ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Could Boris Johnson’s Government Be On The Verge Of Shutting Its Cultural Funding Agencies?

A new Public Bodies Review Programme, announced by the ministry for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency, will examine whether "arm's-length" funding bodies such as Arts Council England "should continue to deliver all of its functions." - The Art Newspaper

Dallas’ ATT Performing Arts Center Picks a New Director

Warren Tranquada, comes to Dallas from Newark, N.J., where for 13 years he has been executive vice president and chief operating officer of the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, which operates in the shadow of New York City. - KERA

Fascinating: Who’s Rich In America And What They Do

Comparing data from the appendix of the economists’ study with data from the SUSB Annual Data Tables put out by the Census Bureau, I estimate that more than 20 percent of auto dealerships in America have an owner making more than $1.58 million per year. - The New York Times

Have NFTs Busted? Not Really

An NFT has value because the buyer and their community believe it has value—which is true for all art and collectibles. And as time goes by, an NFT gains more of its own character, based on factors like who’s owned it and how they’ve used it. - Fast Company

How Working-Class People Are Systematically Shut Out Of Arts Careers

"There are cultural, financial and emotional gaps between working-class creative people and the affluent, networked and mostly private school-educated gatekeepers of Australia's arts ... leading to an entire creative culture that, to an outsider, looks largely monolithic: a lot of white, wealthy people who seem to already know each other." - The Guardian

The Case For Government Investment In The Arts

Does it register, for example, that for every $1 billion turned over in the arts, around 4,300 new jobs are created? Compared to the construction industry where for every $1 billion, just 1,200 new jobs are created? - ArtsHub

Despite Years Of House Arrest, Exile, And A Horrendous War, Kirill Serebrennikov Will Keep Defending Russian Culture

"Russian culture is about the fragility of life," says the award-winning stage and film director. "It's about people who are under oppression. Who are fighting for truth or justice. That's real culture. Not ideological culture. Not propaganda. I think it's not good to boycott this kind of culture." - Variety

A New Generations Of Deaf Artists (And Arts)

While the level of deaf visibility may feel new to most, we need to understand that scores of talented deaf writers and creatives have always been there, and have always deserved to be heard. What’s changing now is the hearing world’s willingness to listen. - The Guardian

Why a Heightened Concern For Cultural Appropriation Now?

"It's easier than ever to steal a motif or a craft technique and transfer it on to a piece of clothing that is either mass produced or appears on a runway without credit or compensation to their original communities." - BBC

As An Election Approaches, Australia’s Main Opposition Party Announces A More Expansive Arts Policy

The Australian Labor Party "has pledged more transparent funding to arts and cultural institutions, an examination of a national insurance scheme to protect the live performance sector from further shutdowns, and a plan to boost Australian content on multinational streamers." - The Guardian

Netflix Explicitly Tells Employees They’ll Just Have To Deal With Content They Find Offensive

In what looks like a reaction - some might call it an over-reaction - to the employee walkouts over Dave Chapelle's transphobic jokes, the streamer changed its "corporate culture" memo, saying employees "may have to work on content that they 'perceive as harmful.'" - NPR

Disney Hasn’t Had This Much Trouble With Its Public Image Since The Early Days Of WWII

"The characters in the showdown were as colorful as any drawn on the studio's animation cels: union activists, gangsters, communists and anti-communists, and, not least, Walt Disney himself, who, dropping his avuncular persona, played a long game of political hardball." - Salon

The Conservative Fifth Circuit Lets Texas End Social Media Moderation

Unsurprisingly, perhaps, "Oral arguments were held on Monday this week, and the judges 'seemed to struggle with basic tech concepts.'" The tech companies will likely appeal. - Wired

Why An American Media That Can’t Say More Than Shma-Shmortion Helped Predict This Moment

Look at 2007's Knocked Up. It's "a self-consciously edgy movie that declines, again and again, to say the word abortion out loud. It has much to say about Roe’s looming tragedy—precisely because, so often, it opts to say nothing at all." - The Atlantic

Stage Director Ivo Van Hove Has Got Himself A Festival

The Belgium-born, Amsterdam-based director, known in the US for his Broadway stagings of A View from the Bridge, The Crucible, Network, and West Side Story, will be artistic director of the Ruhrtriennale, one of Europe's largest interdisciplinary arts festivals, for the 2024-26 cycle. -

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