A group of 24 college professors got together to attempt to think this difficult question through. They couldn't agree. - The Chronicle of Higher Education
These niche-famous people are the types who are living out the latest chapter in what it means to be in this particular corner of Manhattan at this particular moment and feeling certain, as most people want to feel when they are young and ambitious and freshly arrived, that it is the absolute center of the world. - The New...
Even as the company limits the number of visitors and keeps attendance at its U.S. theme parks below prepandemic levels, they are generating record sales and profits. - The Wall Street Journal
It's especially, but not only, an issue for men. "People want to look like an action star, but may not be aware that every frame of those films has some sort of special effect involved, which might include changing the way they look on screen, too." - The Guardian (UK)
It's been a long few weeks of controversy for Michael Melling, the head of CTV News, who recently ousted host Lisa LaFlamme, after reports surfaced that firing was because she had stopped dyeing her hair. - CBC
What to do with our digital footprint - and what about privacy and ethics? "One year, a student raised his hand and confidently announced, 'Dr. Fiesler, I found your fanfiction!' 'You did not!' I scoffed as the color drained from my face." - Slate
In our new study we designed and tested five short videos that “prebunk” viewers, in order to inoculate them from the deceptive and manipulative techniques often used online to mislead people. We found that not only do these videos help people spot misinformation in controlled experiments, but also in the real world. - NiemanLab
Berkeley Rep used to spend $300,000 to $400,000 per year on lodging for out-of-town artists; these days, it's more like $2 million. So it has constructed the Medak Center, with 45 units housing up to 128 occupants. And other arts organizations can rent any rooms Berkeley Rep isn't using. - San Francisco Chronicle
"Over the last six months we have seen price increases from domestic suppliers that range from 7-15% on average, with some items as much as 32%." - ArtsHub
Battered by rolling lockdowns, key figures in the sector have said COVID-19 disruptions exposed job insecurity, poor remuneration, and a thinning of government grants that made a career in arts, entertainment and culture untenable for all but a lucky few. - Sydney Morning Herald
Arts criticism, which used to nurture the innovative, is on life support. Independence of judgment and expertise are in short supply. When it comes to political matters, the chatter never stops. But the mainstream media (online and off-) have pretty well kicked arts critics to the curb. - Arts Fuse
That Hindu temple built over the destroyed mosque in Ayodhya (said to be the birthplace of the god Rama) was just the beginning. Modi is encouraging "searches" for evidence of Hindu worship at numerous mosque sites. And he and his militant Hindu party aren't the only ones acting like this. - ARTnews
When a new definition of the term was proposed to the International Council of Museums in 2019, the arguments over the wording were so furious that the submitted text was withdrawn. An 18-month participatory process came up with a compromise text that ICOM has voted to adopt. - Museums Association (UK)
In every field of culture, the "folk" takes second place. This denies the inventive power of our people. Modi's Hindu regime uses this hierarchical structure to impose its dominance by asserting Sanscritic superiority in the form of a Hindu hierarchy. - The Art Newspaper