ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Wikipedia’s Thoughtful Dealing With Cultural Hot Topics

"Wikipedia’s editors are no longer simply citing dated sources; instead, they are hashing out how someone would want to be understood. But even though these deliberations touch on some of the most controversial issues around ... they are shockingly civil and thoughtful." - The Atlantic

Why We Need Civics

"We are not tied together by a single religion, race, or ethnicity. Instead, America is organized around a set of ideas that needs to be articulated again and again to survive." And that's not happening, not at all. - The Atlantic

A String Of Lawsuits Tries To Slow Down Generative AI

Maybe. But, says one intellectual property lawyer, "Copyright law is the right to stop people making copies, right? ... It’s not the right to stop people imitating your style." - Fast Company

Will Iran Release Jailed Filmmaker Jafar Panahi?

"Panahi, 62, who has won a number of awards at European film festivals, was arrested on 11 July last year and sent to jail to serve a six-year sentence" - which was overturned by Iran's supreme court in October. - The Guardian (AFP)

How Supply Chain Issues Are Affecting Artists

When China shut down manufacturing and shipping ports due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many artists felt it before American cities followed suit. Subsequent labor shortages, stranded shipping containers, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have further impacted commodity trade. - Hyperallergic

Banned From Schools, Afghan Girls And Women Go Online

There were 40 Afghan female students before the Taliban’s takeover back in mid-August 2021. Now there are 382 girls at Rumi Academy amid increasing Taliban restrictions on girls and women. They range in age from 13 to 25. - Toronto Star

Australian Arts Institutions In Funding Crisis

“We’re not start-ups. We have massive long-term responsibilities. And for that, we really need to have sustainable long-term funding, rather than the short-term injections.” - The Age

The French Have It Right: The Right Not To Be Fun At Work

In another win for workplace dignity, one of the nation’s highest courts recently suggested that businesses cannot force their employees to participate in office parties and other supposedly enjoyable activities. - The New Yorker

Hamline University’s Weird Defense Of Its Art History Controversy

The instinct to treat Muslims like toddlers, incapable of dealing with unwelcome developments, and therefore in need of protection at all times, is powerful in some quarters. The same patronizing attitude is rarely applied to Christians or Jews or atheists. - The Atlantic

Hamline University Tries To Walk Back Its Criticism Of Professor Who Showed Image Of Muhammad (Now That It’s Being Sued)

"Ellen Watters, the board chair, and the school’s president, Fayneese S. Miller, said Hamline’s initial stance on the incident was a 'misstep.' The usage of the word 'Islamophobic' was 'flawed ... It was never our intent to suggest that academic freedom is of lower concern or value than our students.'" - ARTnews

An Old Military Air Base Becomes A New, And Affordable, Hub For Creative Arts Workers

"Old Jet sits inside a former fighter-jet operations building. Like most rural hubs, it houses a unique mixture of people who live locally and need studio space: in this case, 35 musicians, artists, writers, photographers, fashion designers and more, ranging from early-career artists to established names." - The Guardian

The Complicated Path Of Criticism

By the first decades of the twentieth century, national organizations had established standards for the credentialling of lawyers, doctors, and nurses. The professionalization of criticism was a less coherent affair, because criticism did not belong to a single trade or discipline. - The New Yorker

Artists Sue AI Art Generator Companies

The artists taking action—Sarah Andersen, Kelly McKernan, Karla Ortiz—"seek to end this blatant and enormous infringement of their rights before their professions are eliminated by a computer program powered entirely by their hard work," according to the official text of the complaint filed to the court. - Ars Technica

Scientist Sues US Copyright Office To Grant Copyright To His AI-Generated Art

Stephen Thaler’s motion argues that the work in question “satisfies the requirements set forth in the Copyright Act”—that because Thaler “invested and owns the original property … its output, of all kinds, automatically vests in him,” particularly in the context of work-for-hire. - Artnet

Banff Centre Appoints New President

The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity announced that Chris Lorway would be appointed to the role of President and CEO of Banff Centre. The post takes effect on April 10, 2023. - Ludwig Van

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