All in all, it is not as clear as it once seemed how the project of critical theory maps onto the practical politics—institutional and insurgent—of our moment. More serious is the looming sense that critical theory is somehow near the center of the crisis of our time. - Hedgehog Review
In Pascale Sablan's second week at the Pratt Institute, "a young white professor asked Sablan and another female student to stand up in a classroom. ... 'These two will never become architects because they're Black and because they're women,' she recalled him saying." - NPR
What do they want? Health care! When do they want it? In the contract for the future. And pay: "By offering annual increases that lag behind industry standards, pushing for a deal that ignores the soaring cost of living.” - Los Angeles Times
Everything is about class, including where we sit in the cinema. "One of the last truly democratic public institutions where everyone paid the same and had the same chance to get a good seat, will join airplanes, live theaters, music venues." - The Verge
So, #MeStillFreakinToo. Grace Van Dien is "looking for more agency after a producer on 'one of the last movies I did' allegedly asked for sexual favors." So, she's turning to her Twitch stream instead. - Los Angeles Times
The events of the Oscar-nominated Argentina,1985 aren't much fictionalized. "With more than 300 open investigations and 14 trials, the process is 'permanently alive,' said Estela de Carlotto, the president of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo." - The New York Times
Social media plays a large role in the news habits of all Millennials and Gen Z, as shown in our first report on these generations. For example, 74% of Gen Z get news daily from social media. - American Press Institute
Katherine Farley, who became board chair in 2010 and led the arts complex through the complete renovation of David Geffen Hall, decided that the end of that project was a good time to hand over the reins. Her successor is Hearst CEO Steven Swartz. - The New York Times
The bill would make it defamatory to claim that someone is racist, sexist, or homophobic based on that person’s religious beliefs. This is, in some ways, the bill’s most reactionary provision, because it recasts what courts ordinarily consider an opinion as a defamatory fact. - The New Yorker
More than half the respondents (53.5%) said they were scared of clowns at least to some degree, with 5% saying they were “extremely afraid” of them. Interestingly, this percentage reporting an extreme fear of clowns is slightly higher than those reported for many other phobias. - The Conversation
"A new documentary ... brought together musicians, artists and journalists who used music and art to rebel against their imprisonment and to assert their right to a multicultural identity amid Serb nationalist attempts to destroy them and their cultural heritage." - The Guardian
"The latest edition of the Otis College Report on the Creative Economy, an annual study from the Los Angeles arts school, found that the state's creative economy outperformed the overall economy in its recovery from the pandemic — despite the disproportionate impact on cultural sectors." - Artnet
Flinders University scholars now believe they have identified multiple descriptions of the behaviour in ancient texts, the earliest appearing in the Physiologus – the Naturalist – a Greek manuscript compiled in Alexandria around 150-200CE. - The Guardian
Artists are a contentious lot and often downplay or deny that politics has any bearing on art and art making. Other artists fully accept that art is political and regard art as a necessary form of political engagement. I have reservations. - Discoveries in American Art
Blame the appeals court judgment from 2021 declaring that Andy Warhol had no right to appropriate someone else’s photo of Prince into one of the Pop artist’s classic silk-screened portraits. - The New York Times