ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Is The Indoor Plaza At Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center Is Finally Becoming A Genuine Public Space?

"The Kimmel Center was trumpeted as Philadelphia's fifth public square — an 18-hour-per-day, seven-day-a-week arts center where you could show up anytime and find a concert or see a film. But the Kimmel has sent mixed signals about just how welcoming it really wants to be." - MSN (The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Ranked Choice: Enjoying Art Is About Reacting

Criticism is not an unerring ranking system but a form of personal expression, and a good review is not right (or not only right) but convincing, fresh, entertaining, satisfying, perceptive – in other words, possesses the sorts of qualities prized in the objects the critic is nominally appraising. - New Statesman

Does Anyone Read Professional Reviews Anymore?

Good criticism can provide that context — historical or theoretical or even economic — and some vocabulary for discussing musical taste. It can help demystify some of the mechanics of the art form, ideally in language that remains approachable to the novice or new initiate. - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

AI Generators Just Figured out Hands

This is a huge issue for verifying images, as hand issues had been one of the ways to tell an AI-generated photo from a human-created image. "Many viewers have already proven themselves unable to discern AI-generated artwork from the real deal." - Hyperallergic

SNL Reaches Agreement With Editors Just In Time

"These workers – who help create the show’s music-video parodies and other popular pre-taped segments – had been unrepresented and paid rates far below industry standards." - Variety

South Korean Broadcast Edits Out Michelle Yeoh’s Exhortation To Women

Yeoh said, "Ladies, don't let anyone tell you you're past your prime." Inspiration, except on South Korean broadcaster SBS News, where "'ladies' was conspicuously omitted from the coverage. The single word was edited out of a video of Yeoh’s speech, and it wasn’t translated in the subtitles." - Time

We Don’t Need To Be Jerks To Bots In Order To Deal With Our New Era Of AI

"The real reason that the critique has shifted from 'people are too mean to bots' to 'people are too nice to them' is because the political economy of AI has suddenly and dramatically changed, and along with it, tech companies’ sales pitches." - Wired

Visitor Attractions In The UK Down Substantially From Pre-COVID Attendance

Figures published on Friday by the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions show that while the number of visits to its sites rose by 69% in 2022 compared with the year before, this was still 23% lower than in 2019. - The Guardian

Los Angeles Is A Creative Place (But Its Arts Aren’t Very Equitable)

“Despite being the top per capita provider of arts in the nation, Los Angeles ranks 259th in government funding allocation,” the nonprofit’s CEO Gustavo Herrera said in a statement. - Hyperallergic

The Arts Contribute A Record $1 Trillion To US GDP: NEA Report

The study, covering calendar year 2021, shows a 13.7% increase in economic value over 2020 provided by the arts; it also indicates clearly that the sector had not fully bounced back from the 2020 lockdowns. - National Endowment for the Arts

The Importance Of Artists’ Day Jobs

The exhibition blows through the polite separation between artwork and money work. Not only does it name, in wall label after wall label, what each artist did to keep the lights on — it demonstrates how artists drew techniques, subjects, even inspiration from their diurnal grind. - The New York Times

UK Extends Tax Relief For Theatres, Orchestras, And Museums

"The Treasury had doubled the rate of the reliefs ... about 18 months ago to help cultural bodies recover from the pandemic, but the support had been due to be phased out from next month. Cultural organisations on Wednesday welcomed (the) decision to extend the measures for another two years." - FT

UK Government Will Give An Extra $10.4 Million To Edinburgh’s Festivals

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt will announce the £8.6 million ($10.4 million) in funding as part of the UK government's next budget. Scotland's regional government is ambivalent: happy for the money, but suspicious of London paying directly for culture within Scotland, normally funded from Edinburgh. - The National (Scotland)

Andy Warhol Gets A Lot Of Blame For Today’s Celebrity Culture. Does He Deserve It?

"Warhol, the original narcissist; Warhol, the genius; Warhol, the void. He is responsible for the TikTok dancers, the Instagram models hogging the infinity pools, the needy comedians, the intense desire for recognition we are confronted with daily. It's an awful lot for one notoriously frail man to carry." - The Guardian

The Ugly Truth About Gatekeepers

Nowadays the majority of the art world gatekeepers are ever more myopic, risk averse and conformist, daring only to support what is “hot” or on trend. That feeds into the money going to an increasingly small coterie of “celebrated” and hyped-about artists, producing what the market rewards. - The Critic

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