In theory, counting the population seems so basic, so neutral: a math problem, albeit “a serious slog” of one. But the numerical is political, with representation and resources at stake. - The New York Times
Does its very immensity undermine its utility as a source of information? How often is it burying valuable data under lots of junk? Say you search for some famous or semifamous person. Are you getting an accurate picture of that person’s life or a false, manipulated one? - The New York Times
"Our new century ... is dominated by Silicon Valley’s technological influence. This city has produced world-changing products and services (instantaneous search results, next-day delivery of millions of products, constant connectivity to thousands of 'friends') that create and shape new desires." - Wired
If research is publicly funded, the results need to be available for free as soon as it's published (by 2025), says a new White House rule - and it must be machine-readable, and that must be consistent across all federal agencies. Some academic journals are unhappy. - The Verge
From now on, what we think as a planet is what our children get as a planet. However crucial policy and diplomacy may be, global agency ultimately requires that billions of micro-choices made every day by billions of human beings be (at least slightly) biased in favor of altruistic action. - Nautilus
When we ask what we should do to benefit others, we can’t ignore the disquieting fact that the others who occupy the future may vastly outnumber those who occupy the present, and that their very existence depends on us. From this point of view, it’s an urgent question how what we do today will affect the further future. -...
The idea of surpassing politics with technical-scientific rationality such that the “the government of persons is replaced by the administration of things” is often associated with St. Simon, but the originator of the phrase, in fact, was German philosopher (and frequent coauthor of Karl Marx) Friedrich Engels. - Boston Review
We have become too used to thinking of intelligence as the private skill of individuals, vying against one another in a neoliberal world of relentless competition. What is needed, especially in an age of irredentist warmongering and climate disaster, is a greater emphasis on our ability to reason together, our “collective intelligence”. - The Guardian
The intensity of our collective distraction is historically unprecedented, and for obvious reasons. Most importantly, the power players in our online experience are financially invested, and deeply so, in training users to flit quickly and continuously from one hyperlinked stimulus to another. - Hedgehog Review
About 1,100 Mensans journeyed to the Reno area for this year’s convention. They came because they think they are smart, they care deeply about a certain type of intelligence, and they feel most at home in a crowd of other high-IQ individuals. - New York Magazine
But now we know car companies and other companies might tell us we're also renting proprietary info and perhaps services too, what does this mean? (This is not what Gen-Z activists mean when they talk about abolishing property.) - Wired
In 1871, a mob murdered 18 Chinese people and looted every Chinese building in what's now downtown LA. "A bronze plaque embedded in the sidewalk outside the Chinese American Museum on Los Angeles Street stands as a rare memorial. It’s smaller than a pizza box." - Los Angeles Times
"Sorting through this morass might seem too overwhelming to even consider—unless we shift how we think about the purpose of organizing information: What if the end goal was not efficient retrieval? What if, instead, the sorting process itself was imbued with meaning?" - The Atlantic
It''s "a movie about responsible innovation—as Chris says, about how you can’t have science without philosophy. ... Creators need to think about how their inventions will be used, and why someone wants them created in the first place." - Slate
All these behaviors—as well as many more observed in the wild—suggest that octopuses learn, remember, know, think, consider, and act based on their intelligence. This changes everything we think we know about “higher order” animals, because cephalopods, unlike apes, are very, very different to us. - Nautilus