ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


“Seeing” Without Seeing: Perception and Consciousness

Blindsight is now a well-established clinical phenomenon. When first discovered, it seemed theoretically shocking. No one had expected there could possibly be any such dissociation between perception and sensation. - Aeon

We Each Perceive The World In A Different Way

We are strongly influenced by context. From the effect of shadows on how we perceive the brightness of a surface, to our tendency to interpret facial expressions depending on what we think is happening, context permeates all our conscious experiences. - The Guardian

How Did “Utopia” Become A Bad Word?

For the Victorians the word “utopian” did not carry the negative connotations of impossibility, naïveté, and dunderheadedness that it does for us now—the writers and thinkers who used that word were for the most part engaged in actual utopian projects, whether literal or literary (or both). - 3 Quarks Daily

Why Fear AI-Generated Art?

The idea that art is only art when it shows evidence of the artist’s handicraft is, at this point, so ludicrous that it barely needs addressing. People who say that anyone can make AI art are the latest in a long line of people who said the same thing about some of the most important art of the 20th...

Humans Have A Hard Time Walking Away

How do we know when to quit? (And we don't mean "quiet quitting.") - Slate

The Problems With Therapy Chat Bots

AI "therapists" are always online, always available, unlike the humans who invented them - but also unlike the humans who trained for years to know how to respond to, say, reports of sexual abuse. "It’s creating the illusion of help," says one ethicist. - Wired

Why A Gaming Designer Won’t Let His Kids Play Video Games

"Using the data we collected, we experimented with every feature of our games to see which versions allowed us to extract the most time and money from our players. For us, game addiction was by design: It meant success for our business." - The New York Times

Oh, The Humanities

Humanities departments have to face up to what's happening to their students, both undergrad and (here, the news is even worse) graduate students. Where can history majors, for instance, get jobs? "We must do a much better job of providing students with windows into careers." - Inside Higher Ed

How Your Brain Rewires Itself In Your 40s

The brain begins becoming less connected within those separate networks and more connected globally across networks. By the time we reach our 80s, the brain tends to be less regionally specialized and instead broadly connected and integrated. - Big Think

How A Texas Court Ruling On First Amendment Could Break The Internet

A state compelling social-media companies to host all user content without restrictions isn’t merely “the most angrily incoherent First Amendment decision I think I’ve ever read.” It’s also the type of ruling that threatens to blow up the architecture of the internet. - The Atlantic

Why It’s Difficult To Grasp The Concept Of Time

Physicists and philosophers may have different approaches to the structure of time, but what unites them is a rejection of the notion that that there is a ‘now’, a present moment, that moves from the past toward the future. If that is true, and time does not really move, we are left with a question. Psyche

The Thing About Sleep: It’s Essential

One thing that sleep researchers are pretty sure of is that every system in our body seems to be impacted by sleep. When we miss out on sleep, it impairs our circulation, our digestion, immune system, metabolism, and of course, brain function. In fact, if you go without sleep long enough, you will die. - Quanta

Why We Laugh

This raises the possibility that laughter may have been preserved by natural selection throughout the past millennia to help humans survive. It could also explain why we are drawn to people who make us laugh. - The Conversation

Amazon Is Getting Closer To Replacing Humans With Robots (Or Is It?)

Will a new generation of warehouse robots that can grasp goods almost as well as human hands make work better or easier for the people doing these jobs? Or will the technological evolution eliminate the need for these workers and their jobs? - Vox

Is Endless Choice Ruining Your Love Of Music?

“That was the problem. Using music, rather than having it be its own experience … What kind of music am I going to use to set a mood for the day? What am I going to use to enjoy my walk? I started not really liking what that meant.” - The Guardian

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