ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A New Scan Tool May Open Up How The Brain Works

“If you talk about neuroscience and how the brain works, there’s a lot of unknowns. It’s the wild west.” Ultrafast ultrasound could trace brain signaling with great precision, documenting how circuits and groups of cells interact as the brain performs functions from perception to decision-making. - Nautilus

An Idea Isn’t Copyrightable. But Art Is

Fundamentally, artists must realise that in copyright terms, their creative ideas are worthless until those ideas form part of a tangible piece of work – whether that be as a drawing, a painting, a script, a musical score or a work of literature (for example). - ArtsHub

Why It Always Comes Down To Good Versus Evil

The ideas of “Good” and “Evil” are premised on some concept of “Value.” That is, “Good” and “Evil” can only be real if some things are “better” and some things “worse.” - 3Quarks Daily

Worried About The Robots Taking Over? It’s More Subtle Than That

Don’t worry about superintelligent A.I.s trying to enslave us; worry about ignorant and venal A.I.s designed to squeeze every penny of online ad revenue out of us. And worry about police agencies that gullibly think A.I.s can anticipate crimes before they occur. - Slate

How Status Drives Cultural Change

To maintain their positions, the normals conform to social conventions, even as they aspire to higher status. Individuals’ decisions about when to switch from one convention to a new one drive cultural changes. - Wall Street Journal

The Importance Of Argument

Once we start thinking of ethics as a social technology, systematicity and argument take on a different hue. It’s hard to be all that piecemeal or poetic when thinking about how to organize social institutions. We may live by our visions, but they can’t write our social policy. - Boston Review

The Problem With Land Acknowledgments

A land acknowledgment is what you give when you have no intention of giving land. It is like a receipt provided by a highway robber, noting all the jewels and gold coins he has stolen. Maybe it will be useful for an insurance claim? Anyway, you are not getting your jewels back, but now you have documentation. -...

How Disney Became A ‘Secular Religion’ For Some Superfans

For some people, Disneyland or Disneyworld (or the Disneys in other countries) are like church. "People don't just marry at Disney. They mourn lost relatives at Disney. They go to Disney to celebrate surviving cancer. They go there for one last trip before they die." - CBC

Artificial Intelligence Has Transformed Many Things – Including Cheating At Chess

"For some high-level players, even getting the advice of a machine for a move or two at a critical moment is all you’d need to win. Cheaters have been caught sneaking off to the bathroom to check moves on contraband smartphones." - Los Angeles Times

But Truly, Who Cares If It’s Not A Vermeer?

Philip Kennicott: "Authenticating work empowers scholars, and now scientists, and seems to be part of the gatekeeping apparatus that makes museums feel like zones of exclusion, or patriarchy." That's not why we love art. - Washington Post

The Rise Of “Sleep Tourism”

"People often associate travel with decadent meals, extending their bed times, the attractions and the things you do while you're traveling, really almost at the cost of sleep. Now, I think there's just been a huge seismic shift in our collective awareness and prioritization on wellness and well being." - CNN

Chess’s Cheating Scandal Demonstrates How Computers Have Changed The Game

 In the past 15 years, widely available AI software packages, known as “chess engines,” have been developed to the point where they can easily demolish the world’s best chess players—so all a cheater has to do to win is figure out a way to channel a machine’s advice. - The Atlantic

“Brazen Heads” — Legends Of The Robots Of Medieval Europe

"Let's take a look at three of these stories — builders of brazen heads and the ruin that visited them — and see if those warnings did us any good."  The ill-fated Icarusses in question: Pope Sylvester II, Saint Albert, and Roger Bacon. - Tedium

“The Personal Is Political” — Where The Slogan Came From And How It Went Wrong

"To understand disagreements about race, sex and gender dividing the West now, we could do worse than go back to where the sentiment began – with second-wave feminists (in the late) 1960s, and with serious ideas that have been cheapened and weaponised at both ends of the political spectrum today." - Psyche

Opportunity Isn’t The Same as Equality

What we should want is to make outcomes more equal – not opportunity. Antiegalitarians resist calls for equality via the ideology that if people have equal opportunity, then the outcome, whatever it is, is justified. - 3 Quarks Daily

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