ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Disasters Are On The Rise. We’re Going To Have To Think About Them Differently

Disasters compress time, and in a world besieged by them, dramatic shifts occur: For planners and architects and officials, whose work typically unfolds over years, disaster recovery requires and enables otherwise-unthinkable haste. - The New York Times

Brian Eno Explains Art To You

What happens when you go look at a painting you’ve never seen before? What I think happens is that you’re seeing it in the context of all the other pictures you’ve ever seen. When you go and look at something new, what you’re saying is, “What’s different about this experience?” - The New York Times

Science Defines The Modern Age, Right? So How Did We Get It So Wrong?

How is it that the dawning of the age of reason, which saw science and technology become preeminent in western culture, coincided with the industrial revolution, which is turning out to be disastrous for the natural world and, quite possibly, humanity too? - 3 Quarks Daily

Historically We Have Been Defined By Our Geographies. That May Be Changing

Geopoliticians’ reluctance to reckon with the climate crisis comes from their sense that there are only two options: transcend the landscape or live with it. Either globalisation will release us from physical constraints or we’ll remain trapped by them. - The Guardian

Marvel’s New Latino Hero Is An Anti-Colonial Warrior

That's ironic for Disney and Marvel, but: "Seeing a Mexican his color in a regal role of leadership and super heroics is special. If you’re Latino/a/x ... and been at your abuela’s house enough times when Univision or Telemundo was on, you already know what I’m talking about." - Washington Post

Wow This Is Hard: How To Get Comfortable With Ambiguity

In this classical view of the world, all fundamental entities are either one or the other. To my undergraduate brain, this simply made sense. But in the quantum view, all objects have properties of both. - Nautilus

Research: How Technology Is Changing The Ways We Work

A growing body of research has begun to explore the nuanced ways in which technology is influencing the workplace and the workforce, shedding light on both its many benefits and substantial risks. - Harvard Business Review

How The Decline Of Rome Has Fueled a Mytholgy Of Decline

Concentration on the rhetoric of decline and renewal combines various kinds of phenomena: political leaders who genuinely believe in decline and those who cynically claim decline to gain power; earnest attempts at “restoration” and empty rhetoric about renewal. - Common Reader

How Early Failure Is Useful For Some Creative People

While yes, there are the Picassos and Portmans of the world, there are also a few famous creatives who had to overcome failure early on in their careers. These individuals demonstrate the “growth mindset”. - The Conversation

More On Consciousness: Is It Really A System/Network Of Memories?

In a nutshell: at its core, consciousness evolved as a memory system. It helps us remember the events of our lives—the whens, wheres, whats, and whos—which in turn can help us creatively and flexibly recombine them to predict or imagine alternative possibilities. - Singularity Hub

Art Of The Twitter Apology (Ewww!)

Knowing how to apologize on Twitter became crucial to brand management. “It’s easy to say sorry, but knowing how to say it effectively on Twitter is an essential skill that both brands and celebrities should learn,” a communications manager advised not long afterward.” - The New Yorker

How TikTok Is Changing Not Just Content, But How We Think About The Medium

The overriding focus on the algorithm—and the content it delivers—has caused us to overlook a central part of TikTok’s operating logic: the phone. A failure to fully explore the role of this device in TikTok’s powers of transmission has resulted in a limited appreciation of how the platform works. - Wired

Alexander The Great’s Library Was The First Step Toward The Internet

Or so says Spanish philologist Irene Vallejo. "This was something different in the democratisation of knowledge. They wanted to gather all the books from all cultures and make them available for everybody." - The Guardian (UK)

Everything Is So Expensive Right Now

Thus, this piece about getting music, books, movies, software and more, for free - or, technically, for a large group of people paying taxes every year - at the library. - Wired

How To Talk To Someone You Love About Their Conspiracy Theories (And Not Get Pissed Off)

A big mistake we make in confronting conspiracy theories is assuming they provide nothing but harm to those who hold them. In fact, a tendency toward these beliefs may be wired into us, because they could have been helpful to our survival at times.  - The Atlantic

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