ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Have We Damaged Philanthropy By Trying To Optimize It?

A report this year, from nearly 200 philanthropic leaders, noted that as 20 million households dropped out of giving, from 2010 to 2016, the organizations that have suffered most are community-based groups whose existence depends on small-dollar donors rather than on mega-philanthropists, and those that “provide the backbone of civic life.” - The New York Times

Can One Simply Age Into Acceptance Of Terrible Holiday Movies?

“Everything about the modern Christmas movie is so relentlessly familiar. Even the stars I don’t recognize look somehow inherently recognizable, as if they are all fitted with squinting approximations of famous faces. I’ve found myself charmed by their commitment to the bit.” - The New York Times

Wicked Is A Blockbuster Movie, Sure, But The Real Story Arrived In Front Of Other Cameras

“Grande and Erivo have been praised for their performances onscreen, but they have also been performing in a parallel show, making viral magic on the press tour.” - The New York Times

The ChatGPT Era Is Already Ending

Why? Because the reasoning era is here. The basic difference: “Language models learn a grammar, perhaps even something about the world, while reasoning models aim to use that grammar.” - The Atlantic

Internet Fandom Ruled Culture This Year

Consider The Amazing Digital Circus, which used to be a satirical indie web series - and is now, thanks to legions of fans churning out absolute mountains of content, a Netflix show. (Then there’s the Kendrick Lamar-Drake beef.) - NPR

How We Got To Brain Rot

Brain rot is marked by a “supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as a result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging.” - The Atlantic

How Games Are Shaping Our World

Play is something that predates humans. It’s fundamental to how animals engage in and understand the world. It’s how we test and figure out the rules of our environment, how social relationships work. - LA Review of Books

How Did We Lose Our Excitement For The Future?

As a child, I felt lucky to be born in 1960. I’d be only 40 in the year 2000 and might live half my life in the magical new century. By the time I was a teenager, however, the spell had broken. The once-enticing future morphed into a place of pollution, overcrowding, and ugliness. - Works in Progress

If You Can’t Tell If The Music Is Created By AI, It Doesn’t Matter

Background music for commercials, once the domain of human composers, can now be generated by AI in minutes, meeting technical and emotional requirements at a fraction of the cost. Why would a business pay a premium for human creators if AI can deliver similar or better metrics? - Shelly Palmer

How Our Weird Obsession With Youth And Beauty Blinds Us To Real Meaning

With a crazed sense of humor and geysers of gore, these works demand recognition of simple and obvious facts: that looks aren’t everything and that everyone is going to die. Some will even be lucky enough to grow old. Why keep torturing ourselves to deny the truth? - Washington Post (MSN)

Why Snark Has Replaced Healthy Humor

Today that anger has festered to the point that we are losing sight of the real enemies of human vitality and imagination. Instead of satire, which aims at improvement, we have snark, derived from the old Low German word snarky, meaning bad-tempered. - Hedgehog Review

How AI Can Move Us From Being Productive To Being Creative

The AI's role isn't to automate organization; it's to suggest connections we haven’t considered and amplify our ability to see patterns and possibilities. I like to think of it as inspiration as a service. - Every

People, Especially Boys And Men, Used To Make Friends While Playing Games

But now, “there are multiple somber YouTube video essays about the lack of conviviality in multiplayer lobbies, and most of them bear titles that gesture toward an elemental wound in the culture.” - Slate

The English Are Responsible For Wrecking The Planet, Says An Award-Winning Novelist

Amitav Ghosh says, “The planetary crisis, in the broadest sense, … has been brought about by a story: a story of endless profit, endless growth, of individualism” - and that story starts early in English-language literature. - Irish Times

How Do Cities Decide What To Save?

“Landmark laws across the country have come into existence to preserve things we deem culturally significant. But they don’t always protect what we actually want to save.” - The New York Times

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