Your phone mirrors the world back to you. But what you see is the world you want to see—a “frictionless,” “responsive,” “immediate,” “obedient,” “commercialized,” “optimized” simulacrum of your own will accomplished. - The Point
At the core of these deflections is an implication: The hypothetical superintelligence they are building is too big, too world-changing, too important for prosaic concerns such as copyright and attribution. - The Atlantic (MSN)
What defines us as humans is the concept of theory of mind: the ability to track other people’s mental states. Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have led to intense debate about the possibility that these models exhibit behaviour that is indistinguishable from human behaviour in theory of mind tasks. - Nature
For psychologists and other researchers, inner speech presents a puzzle – it’s a huge part of our lives, yet so difficult to study. After all, in real life, when it comes to other people’s inner speech, there is no audio with closed captions. - Psyche
Misinformation graffiti is going to haunt me. But, cities, over time, learned how to deal with those problems to make cities more livable—but the web is so relatively new that we just don’t have many of those systems on it yet. - The Atlantic
This is simultaneously a misplaced conceit and misconceived fear: There are varied environmental niches to exploit and to dominate even in ecosystems with an apex-predator competitor. - Hedgehog Review
In many ways, it is obvious that furniture could be a direct expression of human thoughts and feelings. There is its closeness to the human body and its place at the heart of our domestic, social and political lives. - Aeon
Plus “it’s very hard to get spare parts,” says the principal curator at London’s Science Museum. So the show is going to storage, where “if a historian is doing research on the impact of the vacuum cleaner on everyday life,” it will be available - just not functional. - The Guardian (UK0
“All of TikTok’s potential suitors would be facing an uphill battle to close a deal. The first challenge will be raising enough money. Only a small number of the world’s largest companies likely have enough cash on hand,” and then there’s the fact that ByteDance isn’t interested in selling. - Wired
Stereotypes come about when we stop looking. Why we stop looking is something we all need to discern for ourselves. When we stop looking, we erase the particularness of how humans present themselves physically and vocally. It does not take long to make a judgment. - Washington Post
"In any industry what matters is not what you’re making, but how many followers you have. Do you want to do something, do you want to make an album, put out a book? Okay, but who is your audience? That’s pretty bad, it severely limits who enters the cultural industry." - El Pais
The new work, which uses games to improve AI, stands in contrast to past approaches, which measured an AI program’s success via its mastery of games. - Quanta
"It feels like another sign that A.I. is not even close to living up to its hype. In my eyes, it’s looking less like an all-powerful being and more like a bad intern whose work is so unreliable that it’s often easier to do the task yourself." - The New York Times
Thinking of memory as an adaptive trait has a less obvious and perhaps more interesting corollary: “Viewed through this lens, it is apparent that what we often see as the flaws of memory are also its features.” - The New Yorker