ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why Minor Annoyances Can Cost You More Than Big Things

These situations aren’t that bad, and so you don’t do anything about them, whether it be to take action or kickstart psychological processes to cope. - Psyche

Large Study: Internet Might Be Good For Our Wellbeing

We might look for clues in a new global study from Oxford University that spanned 16 years and surveyed 2.4 million people. The findings suggest that internet access and use may actually be positively associated with key measures of health and happiness, including sense of purpose, life satisfaction, and social well-being. - Nautilus

Warning: AI Is Eating The World

Leaders in all industries, terrified of missing out on the next big thing, are signing checks and inking deals, perhaps not knowing what precisely it is they’re getting into or if they are unwittingly helping the companies who will ultimately destroy them. - The Atlantic

Seems Like Making Video Games Universally Accessible Would Be The Most Obvious Goal On Earth

The true game-changer was 2020’s The Last of Us, Part 2. The makers "decided to do a lot of experimenting and consulting with gamers with disabilities. They eventually added more than 60 different accessibility options to the game.” - NPR

Neuroscience Study: Negative Artist Bio Information Influences Perception Of Their Art

Researchers found that after learning negative information about the artists, participants rated the paintings less favorably. Specifically, paintings by artists associated with negative biographical details were liked less, found more arousing, and judged to be of lower quality compared to those associated with neutral information. - PsyPost

Is AI Leading Us To Rethink Art?

So why are artists dabbling with A.I.? And do they risk being extinguished by it? - The New York Times

How AI Is Leveling The Field For Small Organizations

By using it to provide ideas, options, and solutions beyond the capabilities of a small and, perhaps limited, management team, smaller companies can overcome limitations of time, personnel, and resources. - Harvard Business Review

Is AI A Threat To Our Egos And Sense Of Self Worth?

As artificial intelligence systems outpace human performance on an increasing array of cognitive tasks, they risk undermining the intellectual supremacy upon which we have long staked our self-worth. - Psychology Today

Is Technological Change Outrunning Our Ability To Evolve?

The modern world is replete with things that make our once-adaptive instincts go awry. -

Why Do We Read News? Anxiety? Entertainment?

How do the reasons we read the news line up with the reasons we say we read news? Do we claim dedication to noble civic virtues when all we really want is true crime podcasts? Do we read high-brow journalism on its merits or just so we can look smart to our peers? - NiemanLab

Time To Ban Smartphones In Schools

Children do not use cellular technology; the technology uses our children—by monetizing their data and converting their attention into advertising revenue. - The Walrus

The False Gods Of AI

 Computers might in fact approach what we call thinking, but they don’t dream, or want, or desire, and this matters more than AI’s proponents let on—not just for why we think but what we end up thinking. - The Walrus

Study: Links Between Conservative Political Viewpoints And Creativity

A new study reveals that conservatism is associated with less creativity, across 28 countries. - Psychology Today

In Search Of Books That Elicit Feelings, And Maybe Some Connection

“I am staring in horror at something on my phone or laptop, and no matter how many other people are also staring in horror at that thing, somewhere, many of us are sitting alone. We look, and we look, and then there’s another thing, and another." - Reactor Magazine

AI Might Not Actually Be Trying To ‘Come For’ All Of Our Jobs

For instance: “Could AI take over the bulk of legal work or is there an underlying thread of creativity and judgment of the type only speculative super AI could hope to tackle? … Where do we draw the line between general and specific tasks?" - Fast Company

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