ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Paris Opera Ballet Publishes Report On Race In Company, And Management Will Act On It

"'There will be no blackface, or yellowface,' Neef told reporters, but works like La Bayadère and The Nutcracker would remain, with possible further changes in choreography and costumes. Behind the scenes, there will be efforts to increase the number of dancers of color who enter the ballet's ranks." - The New York Times

The Professional Dancer Who Also Runs A Dairy Farm

Jean-Daniel Bouchard said although his twin passions may seem like something of a contradiction — farming can be gruelling physical labour and involves plenty of financial mathematics, versus an art form that depends on imagination and creativity — they help him find balance. - CBC

You Want Robots To Move Well?

Hire some choreographers. "Choreo-roboticists (that is, roboticists who work choreographically) believe that incorporating dancerly gestures into machinic behaviors will make robots seem less like industrial contrivances, and instead more alive, more empathetic, and more attentive. Such an interdisciplinary intervention could make robots easier to be around and work with—no small feat." - Wired

Ballet Dancers, Getting Real (And Sometimes Really Funny) On TikTok

If Instagram is about selling your moves - and your clothing line, your toe shoe line, your skin care routine, etc. - then TikTok is about being yourself. Kind of. "Casual, confessional and playful, TikTok offers a release for ballet dancers, particularly students, who spend their days chasing impossible perfection. TikTok is a place to laugh about the impossibility,...

New Feature Film On Twyla Tharp

The documentary will feature interviews alongside select footage of Tharp’s more than 160 choreographed works, “including 129 dances, 12 television specials, six major Hollywood movies, four full-length ballets, four Broadway shows and two figure skating routines.” - IndieWire

Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Has A New Director (And She’s An Alum)

Linda-Denise Fisher-Harrell dropped out of Juilliard at age 19 to join the company, where she danced for three years before moving on to 13 years with Ailey. After retiring from the stage in 2005, she got a graduate degree and went home to Baltimore to teach. Now, as HSDC's artistic director, "she is tasked with culling an artistic identity...

When Dancers Form COVID Bubbles

A look at how small groups of (properly tested and quarantined) dancers and choreographers got together (at long last!) to make work this past summer at two centers of dance in the Hudson River Valley. - The Washington Post

Taking Ballet Class Outdoors In The Middle Of A New York Winter

"Across the city, amateur and professional dancers are donning sneakers, masks and lots of layers to carry on with a familiar ritual that, for many, is essential to maintaining physical and mental health. … For the most part, have endured without interruption, a consistency that speaks to dancers' desire to be physically present together, not cooped up in...

Meet The Choreographer Behind The Viral Stars Of The UCLA Gymnastics Team

Bijoya Das was a gymnast herself from age 6 until an injury in college led her to switch to dance; she's now a successful commercial dancer and choreographer in the popular music industry. She is also the one who creates the dances for the gymnasts at UCLA whose routines keep becoming hits on YouTube — and that's a job...

The Dramatic Importance Of Club Dance To City Life

That's merely one thing that's missing right now, of course, but it is missing, and Dublin isn't going to let people forget the joys of moving their bodies alongside so many others at dance clubs. "Who’s in charge of making sure we have the facilities to be a city? Who’s in charge of making sure there’s somewhere for us...

Australian Dance Theatre’s Artistic Director Stepping Down After 22 Years

Garry Stewart took the helm at Adelaide-based ADT — which is the country's oldest contemporary dance company — in 1999 and choreographed 20 original works there. - InDaily (Adelaide)

Is Choreography Is Protected By U.S. Copyright? Yes And No

It's a messy enough business that the first commercial choreography for a pop music video (an industry where you'd think there's enough money involved to have figured this out years ago) to get copyrighted was only last July. (It was JaQuel Knight's moves for Beyoncé's "Single Ladies".) Steven Vargas gives readers some background in American copyright law, hints for...

‘It’s Muybridge on Steroids’: Herman Cornejo And A ‘Photo-Scientist’ Make A Totally Different Dance Video

In DANCELIVE by Herman Cornejo, shot by Steven Sebring using his specially developed in-the-round camera system, viewers can "watch from up close and see their movements from all sides and different angles, the visual equivalent of surround sound. … QR codes … will allow viewers to use their phones to interact with the online images, moving them forward...

Running The Prix De Lausanne Ballet Competition Despite The Pandemic

Since this year's 78 contestants from 20 countries can't travel to Switzerland, they're submitting pre-recorded videos. The jury members (masked and socially distanced, of course) will meet in Lausanne to watch and judge those videos together, keeping to the same schedule they would in a normal year. - Pointe Magazine

Milwaukee Ballet Plans Return To Mainstage Performance In June

As it did with its abbreviated Nutcracker in December, the company will do its first two productions of 2021 before an in-person audience of 10 people, with all other ticketholders watching online. But the season's final production will be back (local regulations permitting) at Milwaukee Ballet's usual venue, the Marcus Performing Arts Center, June 10-13. - Milwaukee Business Journal

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