Legislation proposed on Aug. 26 by Adams and New York City Council Members Keith Powers and Mark Levine would “end the city’s zoning laws over dancing and entertainment, so establishments would be regulated based on capacity venue, rather than zoning” reads a New York City Council press release. - New York Post
"Some are imposing restrictions on performers and audience members under 12, who remain ineligible for vaccines. Others are trying to minimize contact between young artists and other dancers, by holding auditions over Zoom or equipping costumes with face masks." - The New York Times
The March Through Time experience launched August 26, recreating the Lincoln Memorial and US National Mall where King delivered the speech, and incorporated informational exhibits and collaborative minigames for players. - Games Industry Biz
"I'm wishing people would understand that I need to shore up this organization. So, if I drop dead, the organization won't be saying, 'Aunt Joan ain't here, what are we going to do?' I want them to say, 'Do this, and take care of that.'" - The New York Times
Her mother, Denise Jefferson, directed the Ailey School from 1984 until her death in 2010. Harper didn’t just attend dance classes at the school; she practically grew up there. - The New York Times
A longtime banking professional in both the private and government sectors and the first woman to chair the board of directors in the company's history, says that City Ballet has remained in "pretty good shape" financially through the pandemic. - The New York Times
"A group of performers from the shuttered Aspen Santa Fe Ballet company have founded the new contemporary company DanceAspen and will debut new work at the Wheeler Opera House next month." - The Aspen Times
Many times when teaching, (especially dance criticism or dance history) I find that many people do not know important and influential dancers, teachers or choreographers that came before them, and they have no curiosity in learning. This leads to a kind of arrogant ignorance. - Anabella Lenzu
MacKenzie Scott's billions of Amazon dollars worth of donations came at a seriously good time. Why is her focus a surprise? Because "museums, musicals and violin lessons aren’t usually top of mind for donors in times of crisis, when so many other pressing needs crowd the landscape." - Washington Post
"As he prepares to close this chapter of his career, Bo shares the lessons — for both teachers and students — that he's gleaned from nearly four decades at the front of the studio" of the much-admired Philadelphia ballet academy. - Dance Magazine
Dance competitions first emerged in the 1970s. Since then, they have spawned a distinctive, seductive subculture, mixing the hard-driving athleticism of organized sports with the presentational flair of performance art. - The New York Times
Given such limited capacity and the pent-up eagerness of ballet fans, all four performances were fully booked almost as soon as they were announced. - Toronto Star
"The Kuwaiti Ministry of Commerce and Industry rushed to close down a sports club and suspended all its activists for the foreseeable future, in response to a crisis sparked by popular and parliamentary protests over the fitness club's belly dance class." - Global Voices
In this day and age, it has never been so important to have the tools to cultivate a mindset of self-belief. “Especially nowadays with social media, it’s so difficult to not compare yourself.” - Eleanor Pugsley
The company has played the Kennedy Center, and it performed at the Olympics in Atlanta (1996) and London (2012), but perhaps none of those occasions will be as important for its future as its triumphant performances this month at Jacob's Pillow. - KERA (Dallas)