Until late in life, her fame as the wife/widow of Laurence Olivier obscured from the wider public (though not from colleagues) her own extraordinary achievements on film and, especially, on stage. - The Washington Post (MSN)
"(His films) bridged the mainstream and avant-garde, exploring the sinister recesses of the human psyche — and the mysteries behind America’s white picket fences — with an unsettling blend of melodrama, whimsy and nightmarish horror." - The Washington Post (MSN)
Drake’s lawsuit claims that Universal Music Group ‘chose corporate greed over the safety and well-being of its artists’ by allegedly promoting Kendrick Lamar’s song with bots and payola. - The Verge
"(He) was the creative force behind the United Colors of Benetton campaigns of the 1980s and 1990s that featured images such as a Pope kissing an imam on the lips, a priest embracing a nun, … and a black woman breastfeeding a white baby, part of the brand’s advocacy for diversity and tolerance." - AP
"I can't continue seeing the children of Iranian oligarchs come to spend their holidays in France, even become naturalised," she wrote, "while at the same time young dissidents have difficulty in obtaining a tourist visa to come to see what the country of the Enlightenment and human rights looks like." - AFP (Yahoo!)
The week's issue of New York magazine features a cover story by Lila Shapiro detailing allegations of repeated assaults by the author on women, including an employee and a tenant, in New Zealand, North Carolina, Florida, and England. - New York Magazine
As the conductor turns 70, he says, “In Britain, I see how hard it is. The country has been used to making do with so little, and doing extraordinary things. But there is a tipping point, a crisis point, where you can’t go beyond. You simply cannot do more with less.” - The Observer (UK)
Terry Gilliam: “While we were still faffing around, he had run all the way down the mountain, forded the river, run up the other side, into the camera truck, grabbed the right lens and here it was. We stuck it on the camera and got the shot.” - Variety
Stiller, who’s spent his entire life around Hollywood, says, "It’s kind of true that everybody will say yes and it doesn’t mean yes. It means no or let me think about it — more than ever, honestly. It’s a very tough environment now to get things made.” - The New York Times
Over the past few years, the British-born Harding has led dual, and often dueling, careers: conducting Mozart and Mahler symphonies one day, piloting commercial flights to Paris, Milan, Stockholm and Tunis the next. - The New York Times
He created 31 productions for the Vienna State Opera (some still in use) and 16 for the Met, attracting scorn from revisionists and admiration from traditionalists. "All the secrets of Wagner's Ring," he once said, "should be guessed by the audience or found by the audience." - AP
"(She was) a beauty queen, singer and wholesome pitchwoman for Florida orange juice whose crusade against gay rights in the 1970s transformed her into one of the most polarizing figures in American public life." - The Washington Post (MSN)
The very precise way he used his hand helped communicate to players across the arena of an orchestra exactly where they were in the bar and exactly what he wanted. He had also a fantastic ear and the ability to hear things with great precision, which also affects enormously the way people play. - The Guardian
It's not just that the baby of the family was the most reluctant to be a performer and the first to deliberately abandon the Marx Brothers act. "Zeppo was a ruthless gambler with deficiencies as a husband and father. Okay, he was a stinker, but a really interesting one." - The Arts Fuse (Boston)