ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Ron Cephas Jones, Emmy Winner For This Is Us, Has Died At 66

Jones might have gotten more fame on TV, but he "began his career at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe and his love for the stage was present throughout his entire career." - Variety

The French General Overseeing Notre Dame’s Reconstruction Has Died At 74

Will this slow the massive project? Macron doesn't think so. The French president "lamented that 'Gen. Georgelin will never see the reopening of Notre Dame with his own eyes,' but added that when it reopens on Dec. 8, 2024, 'he will be present with us.’'"- Associated Press

Lorne Michaels, Cultural Phenomenon

The promise of SNL under Michaels’ leadership is simple: If you are loyal to the family, you will reap handsome rewards. Over almost 50 years, that promise has come to justify a legacy of alleged workplace abuses ranging from the familiar to the shocking. - LongReads

Marjane Satrapi’s “Persepolis” Is Still A Hit After 20 Years, But She Herself Is Done With Comics

"The problem with comics is … it's not challenging anymore because I know how to do it. My life is about the search, not getting comfortable. I like the chaos. I'm not going to live another 300 years. I have to explore everything I can before dying." - Publishers Weekly

Designer And Architect Thierry Despont Is Dead At 75

His design work on restoration of two New York landmarks, the Statue of Liberty and the Woolworth Building, first brought him renown. He went on to do the Ritz in Paris, the Getty Center in L.A., and the homes of the rich and famous from Calvin Klein to Bill Gates. - Architectural Record

Soprano Renata Scotto, 89

"Like Callas, Ms. Scotto possessed a voice that was riveting without being traditionally beautiful. … Also like Callas, she was known for fully inhabiting her roles, bringing intense dramaticism to an art form in which singers had once been content to stand onstage and trill." - MSN (The Washington Post)

The Harder They Fall: New Tucker Carlson Bio Sells Only 3000 Copies

According to Publishers Weekly, Tucker by Chadwick Moore sold just 3,227 copies in its first week after publication on 1 August. - The Guardian

So, Who’d Have The Perfect Voice For Reading Poetry Written By An A.I. Robot? Werner Herzog, of Course

"For the editors of I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks, the answer was obvious. … 'They had an understanding that I wasn't the best choice — I was the only choice,' Mr. Herzog said. 'When you look at the text, it becomes quite self-evident.'" - The New York Times

Italians Gather En Masse To Mourn Feminist, Outspoken Novelist Michela Murgia

"'She was a special person and merited a special send-off,' said Patrizia Mosca, a newly retired civil servant who said that she didn’t typically attend public funerals — 'not even for the popes.' But Ms. Murgia was different." - The New York Times

Tom Jones, Half Of The Team That Created The Fantasticks, Has Died At 95

"The show had a resilience that no one back then could have predicted. It continued to run at Sullivan Street for more than 17,000 performances, finally closing in 2002." Jones also co-wrote I Do! I Do! and other musical. - The New York Times

How The National Socialist State Saw Hannah Arendt

"In that first summer, after Hitler’s accession to power, there can have been few clearer illustrations than the example of Hannah Arendt that it wasn’t up to individuals to decide who and what they were." - LitHub

When John Huston Left The United States In Disgust

While the filmmaker and actor was by no means a leftist, he was outraged by Senator Joseph McCarthy and his House Un-American Activities Committee and considered it unconstitutional for Congressmen to, in effect, put US citizens on trial for political opinions. So he moved his family to Ireland. - History Today

Brice Marden, 84

Marden’s style may have made him different from many of his colleagues with more explicitly conceptual ambitions, but he continued to find admirers because of it. - ARTnews

Seattle Museum Presents “Harry Potter” Show, But Excises All References To JK Rowling

Explaining the decision in a 1,400-word blog, the museum’s exhibitions project manager, Chris Moore, brands Rowling a ‘cold, heartless, joy-sucking entity’. - Spiked

Michael Boyd, Former Director Of Royal Shakespeare Co., Is Dead At 68

"Boyd's tenure at the RSC (2003-2012) helped rejuvenate the organisation after the rocky stewardship of his predecessor Adrian Noble. It also saw him direct a cycle of eight of Shakespeare's historical plays in the space of just two years, a process he admitted left him exhausted but satisfied." - The Guardian

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