ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Marvin Laird, Who Conducted Broadway Shows And Wrote The Music For Ruthless, Has Died At 85

Bernadette Peters, with whom he often worked, said, "The orchestras loved him. He had a great sense of humor and they respected his musicianship. … He knew what I was going to do before I did it.” - The New York Times

Silvia Pinal, Golden Age Star Of Mexican Cinema, Has Died At 93

“The golden-haired Ms. Pinal, who collected more than 100 film and television credits in a career that began in the late 1940s, was known for balancing urbane glamour with saucy humor and sensuality” - and for working with Luis Buñuel on the Palme d’Or-winning Viridiana. - The New York Times

Miho Nakayama, J-Pop Teen Star Who Became A Serious Actor, Has Died At 54

Nakayama was “a reigning J-pop star of the 1980s who broke through to become a critically acclaimed dramatic actress and gained international attention.” - The New York Times

The Life Of Simone Weil — And How It’s Put To Use In America

In the late 20th century she was seen as an exemplar of well-meaning but extreme ascetic mysticism. Now she's either a prophet of, and antidote for, American political and spiritual malaise or "a mascot for misguided youths seeking to blend a fetishized Catholic ritualism with aestheticized eating disorders." - The Drift

The Amazon Review Artist

Kevin Killian published over a million words on Amazon, across almost twenty-four hundred reviews, before his death, in 2019. The products he evaluated included DVDs of classic twentieth-century cinema, literary biographies, and experimental poetry collections—but also toiletries, Halloween costumes, and a chestnut tree. - The New Yorker

In His 80s, Claude Monet Developed A Visual Superpower

When cataracts had rendered him almost completely blind, Monet finally agreed to the eye surgery he had been avoiding for years. When he recovered, he evidently gained the ability to see ultraviolet light, and thereby could see colors normally invisible to human eyes. - Artnet

South Coast Repertory Theatre Co-Founder Martin Benson, 87

Benson’s path to success was fraught with challenges. Early in SCR’s history, Benson experienced literal starvation for his art, competing with seagulls for morsels of dumpster food near the beach. He survived esophageal and prostate cancer, clinical depression, and the shattering grief of his first wife’s suicide. - CultureOC

Lance Morrow, Once A Star Essayist At Time Magazine, Has Died At 85

"(He) was both observer and narrator during a more than seven-decade career that included books and memoirs, more than 20 years with a coveted back-page column in Time, and, later, time as a contributing writer to outlets such as The Wall Street Journal." - The Washington Post (MSN)

Founder Of Collapsed American National Ballet Sentenced To 20 Years For Shooting Ex-Husband

Ashley Benefield, whose marriage to Doug Benefield disintegrated after the ballet company they attempted to launch fell apart, was acquitted of murder but convicted of manslaughter for shooting him during an altercation at her home in Florida in 2020. - CBS News

Ira Glass Says He’s Not As Nice As He Pretends To Be On The Radio

"I contain that sort of empathetic people-pleasing person who I'm playing on the radio. ... But I'm a person under weekly deadlines, and I get freaked out and tired and irritable and don't want to talk to people and get annoyed. And I curse a lot in real life." - NPR

Elton John Says He Can No Longer See

Attending the London opening of the musical The Devil Wears Prada (for which he composed the score), the 77-year-old said that an infection earlier this year had left him with only limited vision in one eye. - AP

Angelina Jolie, Who Plays Maria Callas In A New Movie, Goes To The Met With The NYT

“‘There’s an authenticity here that is beautiful,’ she said. ‘There’s a poetry to it all.'” - The New York Times

Peggy Caserta, Who Wrote And Then Disavowed A Tell-All Book About Janis Joplin, Has Died At 84

Caserta and Joplin bonded over a pair of jeans. “The two became fast friends, occasional lovers and then dope-shooting comrades, even as their fortunes rose.” - The New York Times

Hal Lindsey, Author Of The Late, Great Planet Earth, Has Died At 95

Lindsey was “a onetime Mississippi Delta tugboat captain who became a campus preacher and improbably vaulted to fame and riches by writing that the world would soon end with natural catastrophes and ruinous wars.” - The New York Times

What Maggie Nelson Likes About Emma Corrin, And Vice Versa

Corrin: "The vulnerability was always the hook for me.” - The New York Times

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