ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How AI Is Changing Music

AI is already changing how musicians compose and play music in ways hard to imagine only a few years ago, opening up new horizons for creative expression and challenging traditional conceptions of musicianship. - San Francisco Chronicle

Verbier Festival Hires A Second CEO

Hervé Boissière, a former senior executive at Naïve Records who went on to found Medici.TV, where he is CEO, and who's also executive director of the European classical cable TV channel Mezzo, will join Verbier Festival founder Martin Engstroem as the helm of the summer event in the Swiss Alps. - Gramophone

100 Years Later “Rhapsody In Blue” Is Still Riling Up Debate

Rhapsody in Blue opened up a wider set of debates about the relationship between “high art” and popular art, about racism and cultural differences, about black music and black identity, debates that continue to shape contemporary culture. - The Guardian

America’s Prisons See Opera As A Security Threat

Prison authorities see a threat to security in a staggering array of literature, art and music. Connecticut has banned 334 individual books, magazines and pieces of music as security risks. Besides “La bohème,” Puccini’s opera “Manon Lescaut” is also banned. - Operawire

The Sound Duo Behind The Ely Cathedral Scene In Maestro Had Quite A Job

"Normally they would pre-record the music and run playback while musicians and conductor Leonard Bernstein (as played by Bradley Cooper), mime along. But that’s not how Cooper, also the co-writer and director of the film, wanted it." - AOL (Los Angeles Times)

The English National Opera Laid Off Singers And Musicians While They Were In Mid-Performance

“Many of the performers only saw details of their redundancy during the interval, when they opened the notification backstage. Despite this, they went back onstage to finish the performance." - MSN (The Telegraph UK)

The Life Of A Pro Whistler, Including Her New Album And Her ‘Barbie’ Fame

Molly Lewis: "People often don’t have a reference for whistle music apart from a jingle or a riff in a bad pop song. … I think it’s a beautiful instrument." - Washington Post

The U.S. Is Mired In The Who Can Be A Country Singer Debate Again

Remember Lil Nas X and “Old Town Road” (2018) or, gosh, Beyoncé and “Daddy Lessons” (2016)? The discussion rages on as country music stations at first weren’t playing Bey’s two new country singles. Things seem to have changed during the week since the Super Bowl. - The Guardian (UK)

A White Singer Rejects A State Honor For Her Grammy Because The Legislature Chose Not To Honor A Black Singer’s Grammy

"Paramore singer Hayley Williams decried a Tennessee House of Representatives dustup this week where a Republican lawmaker blocked a resolution honoring the Grammy win of Black musician Allison Russell while allowing a similar resolution honoring Paramore to go forward." - The Tennessean

BBC Says It Has “Secured The Future” Of The BBC Singers

Last year, public outrage caused the broadcaster to abandon its plan to dissolve the 20-member BBC Singers. Now the network has announced a partnership between the Singers and the VOCES8 Foundation that's evidently meant to provide more revenue, though the Foundation will not give direct financial support. - BBC Music Magazine

English National Opera’s Orchestra Ends Its Strike Threat

All labor action planned for February has been called off as the company and the Musicians' Union have come to a revised agreement about the instrumentalists' fate when ENO moves from London to Manchester. - The Guardian

With Las Vegas Philharmonic Between Music Directors, Leonard Slatkin Will Fill In

Donato Cabrera ends his 10-year term as the orchestra's music director this summer; with no successor yet appointed, Slatkin will serve as Artistic Consultant. (In fact, the Vegas Phil's executive director hints that there may not be a single music director going forward.) - Las Vegas Review-Journal (third item)

A Schubert Jukebox Opera? Yep.

"Jukebox" opera was hardly unknown in centuries past; it was called pasticcio. And while Schubert was a master of vocal music, his operas are rarely revived. (Blame the bad librettos.) So conductor Raphaël Pichon has taken highlights from those operas and put them together with a new story. - The New York Times

Belgrade Philharmonic Musicians Warn Its Future Is In Danger

During a concert on Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, the musicians of the Belgrade Philharmonic read a letter to the audience that pointed out their difficult position, and organizational and material problems that remain unresolved. - OperaWire

Completely Strung Out At The World’s Largest String Quartet Festival

"Imagine a small island where, for an entire week, you’re in the company of some of the world’s finest classical musicians. They play almost continuously from 9.30am until bedtime. You’re one of more than 13,500 audience members." Welcome to the String Quartet Biennale Amsterdam. - The Guardian

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