ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


IPSOS Poll: Sixty Percent Of Canadians In Favor Of Requiring Vaccine Passports For Entry To Events

While the vast majority were in support, opinions were somewhat divided across demographics. - Ludwig Van

San Diego Mayor Maintains 50% Cut In Arts Funding

"San Diego arts organisations are still struggling from last year's 50% cut in the city's arts and culture budget, which Mayor Kevin Falcouner instituted to offset lost tax revenue in the early months of the pandemic. These cuts now remain in the mayor's proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year, despite the pandemic easing in the US, which has...

France Takes Its €300 Culture Pass For Young People Nationwide

"After a regional trial run, French president Emmanuel Macron is launching his program to fund cultural activities for young people nationally. Culture Pass, as the initiative is called, is now open to all 18 year olds in France, and will be extended to high schools across the nation in 2022." - Artnet

Colleges Aren’t Turning Out The Kinds Of Students America Needs

"The U.S. education system is not held accountable for ensuring that students are properly equipped with the skills and capabilities to prepare for a career where they can obtain financial stability. Additionally, employers continue to rely on a traditional four-year degree requirement as a primary means of determining job candidate employability. The disconnect here is obvious, and the result...

Colleges Give Record Average 59 Percent Discount On Tuition This Year

The average discount rate for first-time undergraduates reached 53.9 percent -- an all-time high -- during the 2020-21 academic year, according to NACUBO’s preliminary estimates released Wednesday. In other words, for every $100 in tuition colleges appear to charge on paper, they do not collect $53.90 from first-time undergraduate students. - Inside Higher Ed

What’s The Thinking Between The UK’s Proposed Cuts In Arts Education?

The government’s recent proposal to cut funding for arts higher education by 50%, covering music, dance, drama and performing arts, art and design, media studies, and archaeology, appears somewhat contradictory. - The Conversation

San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income For Artists Program Gets A Financial Boost From Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey

StartSmall’s gift will extend the pilot, administered by Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in partnership with Mayor London Breed, in two ways. The first 130 artists will receive $1,000 monthly payments for another full year, for a total of 18 months. It will also fund a second round in which of 50 more artists will receive 18 monthly...

Show Our Arts Orgs The Money, Please

U.S. arts organizations are still waiting for that cultural institution money to flow. "Business owners are wary of the promise after weeks of delay and confusion over the initiative, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, which many had cheered as a lifeline. Each day applicants vent their frustrations on an online forum, regularly polling one another on whether any applications have yet been...

Dysfunctional DC Arts Commission To Get A New Leader

If approved by the D.C. Council, Reginald Van Lee will lead an 18-member board that critics describe as dysfunctional, toxic and beset by cronyism and white supremacy, according to internal documents and reports and interviews with 14 people associated with the commission. A partner agency of the National Endowment of the Arts, the commission awarded 1,044 grants worth $29.9...

Eight Ways The Protests After George Floyd’s Death Changed American Culture

"From Judas and the Black Messiah to H.E.R.'s 'I Can't Breathe,' from the canceling of podcasts to the toppling of monuments to oppression, from White Fragility to Ibram X. Kendi's How to Be an Antiracist: Thanks to the culture we shared in a year unlike any other, the world looks, for better or worse, at least a little different."...

New TRG Report: Arts Activity Increased In April

Currently the sales revival is uneven across venue types, with aggregate sales for symphonies and concert halls the lowest compared to the equivalent month in 2019. -TRG

Should Arts Organizations Draw More From Their Endowments To Get Through The Pandemic? In Canada, The Argument Heats Up

Up there, as in the States, organizations themselves explain (again) that endowments are for providing income year after year and that drawing down capital is less than prudent (and forbidden by regulations). But in Canada, the issue is complicated by the fact that many of those endowments include money that came from the government, and there's an argument that...

The Case For Banning The Unvaccinated From Theatres

If universities, such as Yale, Stanford and UCLA, are planning to require returning students to be fully vaccinated, why can’t performing arts venues do the same? This policy would offer audience members some insurance that the stranger crammed into the seat next to them wasn’t a potential petri dish of COVID variants eagerly seeking a crack in their newly...

Study: BIPOC Arts Workers In LA Earn 35 Percent Less

On average, entry-level arts administrators in Los Angeles County earn $36,847 annually—a figure that’s higher than the $31,200 minimum wage in the area, but lower than the living wage of $40,200, according to the MIT Living Wage Calculator. BIPOC respondents from the same group reported an average income of just $32,027, while white arts workers earned $43,437, or 35 percent...

The Amenities This Developer Is Adding To Apartment Buildings Are Theaters And Gallery Spaces

Mind you, this isn't just any old real estate mogul: it's Dasha Zhukova, the collector who founded the popular Garage Museum Of Contemporary Art in Moscow. Her new U.S. venture, called Ray, is already at work on a New York building that will incorporate the National Black Theatre in Harlem and a development in Philadelphia's Fishtown neighborhood with six...

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