ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Banned Or Not, The Cruise Ships Are Back, And Venetians Are Fighting About It

"The return of cruise ships, which caught many by surprise after the Italian government announced in March that they would be banned from the historic centre, has reawakened old divisions in Venice. … The argument has pitted the economy against the environment in a city where the pandemic has served as a sharp reminder for residents of just how...

Why I Turned Down A Queen’s Honor For Literature

Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire? Is this the title I’m asked to carry? I cannot think of anything I want less than to be a member of that empire. - The Guardian

1974: The Year Los Angeles Became A Cultural Powerhouse

Ronald Brownstein, a senior editor at the Atlantic and political analyst for CNN, offers 1974 as a pivotal year in which Los Angeles took center stage as a cultural broker and “transformed movies, music, television, and politics.” - Los Angeles Times

Cultivating Creative Community In The Midst Of The Pandemic

It's not easy to find creative community at the best of times. Sometimes you just need an outside force - say, an "art incubator." - Oregon ArtsWatch

Netflix’s ‘Selena’ Disrespected The Singer And The Latinx Staff, Writers Say

The story of Selena Quintanilla is quintessentially American - so why did Netflix order it as a Latin American original with a tiny budget that meant filming in Mexico and paying writers (and other staff members) much, much less than they would have gotten in the U.S.? "Their love for Selena, the writers said, drove them to take the job...

What Hollywood Could Learn From The ‘Kim’s Convenience’ Scandal

The sitcom's actors took to social media to say more about the series' abrupt end - and the series itself. Their posts "threw into sharp relief the ongoing reluctance of producers and executives from Hollywood to Toronto to trust and empower Asian actors, writers and directors to tell their own stories — and as Yoon and Liu both pointed...

Scottish Government Gives Multi-Million Rescue Package To Edinburgh Festivals

"The Edinburgh festivals have been offered millions of pounds in emergency funding in the face of widespread fears they may never fully recover from the severe impacts of the COVID pandemic. The Fringe, international and book festivals, which help make up the world’s largest annual arts season, have been forced to very significantly curtail this August’s events, the second...

Kim Jong-Un Is On The Warpath Against K-Pop

The Dear Respected Leader has "called it a 'vicious cancer' corrupting young North Koreans' 'attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors.' His state media has warned that if left unchecked, it would make North Korea 'crumble like a damp wall.' After winning fans around the world, South Korean pop culture has entered the final frontier: North Korea, where its growing influence has...

UK Politicians Are Increasingly Fighting The Culture Wars

As in the US, UK politicians are wading in to debates about statues, history, and the culture that defines the country. - The Guardian

Beating The Pandemic: Science Sure, But The Arts Had A Big Role

Provincial governments and public-health authorities have, understandably, been focused on science getting us out of this – but, less understandably, they’ve neglected allowing (never mind encouraging) artists to explore the possibilities of how outside-the-box creativity could make this pandemic (or future ones) less isolating and more livable. - The Globe and Mail (Canada)

Federal “Save Our Stages” Aid Is Tied Up And Not Getting To The Arts

This stunning state of affairs stands in bold contrast to the initial PPP and the more recent restaurant relief funds, which were on their way to businesses within days. - Variety

Abu Dhabi, Hoping To Become Cultural Tourism Destination, Pumps More Billions Into Arts

The capital of the United Arab Emirates, whose government wants to diversify its economy away from oil and catch up with Dubai as the UAE's major draw for foreign visitors, is adding $6 billion over five years to its budget for the cultural sector. While some of the funding will support media, music, and cultural heritage, much of it...

Performance Venues Are COVID-Safe At Full Capacity If Audience Wears Masks: Study

"According to the results, the wearing of masks cuts the spread of aerosol droplets by 99 per cent, with those transmitted also travelling much more slowly. Professor of biophotonics at , Laurence Lovat, says: 'Andrew Lloyd Webber is right. If theatre-goers wear appropriate masks and follow other rules already in place, theatres become safe places to go to.'" -...

New York City Mayoral Race: What The Candidates Have To Say About The Arts

"As the June 22 primary draws near, we rounded up the top six contenders" — in alphabetical order, Eric Adams, Kathryn Garcia, Dianne Morales, Scott Stringer, Maya Wiley, and Andrew Yang — "and summarized their priorities for the sector if elected." - Hyperallergic

New York’s $25 Million City Artist Corps: Here, At Last, Are The Details

"Just over a month ago, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that as part of NYC's post-pandemic recovery, the city will be investing $25 million in … a new recovery program aimed at hiring over 1,500 artists to create works throughout the five boroughs this summer and beyond. Today, he finally revealed more info about exactly how this program will...

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