ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Venice Will Go On UNESCO’s Endangered List If It Doesn’t Ban Cruise Ships

In March, the Italian central government issued a long-awaited decree barring cruise ships from the historic city, citing the damage that the enormous vessels do to the lagoon and the increased danger of flooding in the city that damage causes. Then, earlier this month, one of the behemoths sailed right into the Venice lagoon anyway. Now UNESCO is giving...

Champs Elysee To Be Converted To Long Park As Paris Turns Away From Cars

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo hopes to bring the road back to its people by removing its outer lanes, widening pedestrian areas, planting more trees and greenery, and creating dedicated bicycle lanes. - B1M

Behind The Controversy Over Canada’s First Prime Minister

Why does a motivated minority want to erase the honors paid to his memory? John A. Macdonald stands accused by his detractors less of things he did than of things he failed to do. - The Atlantic

What Culture Do Nations Own and What Belongs To The World?

The idea that “each people makes its contribution to the culture of the world,” codified in the Hague Convention of 1954, has proved particularly compelling for international legal regimes. - The American Scholar

Diverse Inclusive Companies Have This In Common

We found that one particular culture style differentiated the diverse and inclusive organizations from those that were not: a learning-oriented culture. - Harvard Business Review

Juilliard Students Revolt against Tuition Increase

When the institution’s leaders announced this spring that undergraduate tuition for the 2021-22 academic year would rise to $51,230 from $49,260, many students worried about having to pay more and started calling for a tuition freeze. - InsideHigherEd

How The Arts Were Weakened

For most artists, the shift has been devastating. Ask almost any you know, especially if they’re under age 40. But to understand why the arts economy sucks for artists now, you have to understand how we got here. - Oregon Arts Watch

How Decades Of Curriculum Battles Have Set The Table For Today

Earlier battles over curriculum provided the template for today’s anti-Critical Race Theory, anti–1619 Project political campaigns. - Slate

Will The Chinese Government Strip Hong Kong Of Its Colonial Markers?

Ultimately, one wonders what item of Hong Kong’s colonial baggage the next publicity-seeker will attempt to steal away. - The Critic

Naples, Florida Tries And Tries, But Just Can’t Settle On Arts Policy And Funding

"Hours devoted to discussing, refining, retooling and rejecting arts policies for Collier County over the last 10 years: Roughly 500 Committee meetings, public forums and legislative sessions that included discussion of creating arts policy here. - Naples Daily News

Edinburgh Festivals Warn Of Bankruptcy If COVID Rules Aren’t Changed

"Our festivals, and creatives across the sector, are effectively prohibited from trading our way through to recovery, while hospitality and sports are being supported to do so to the maximum safe extent." - The Stage

MacKenzie Scott Is Now A Major Arts Philanthropist, Too

The total of $2.7 billion in grants announced this week "marks the third time in 12 months that Scott … has issued a wave of donations worth a combined ten figures. It's also the first time she has funded arts organizations at scale. (The latest round of recipients also includes racial justice groups, universities, and other organizations.) Absent from...

Mapping Canada’s Indigenous Culture and Language

The online, interactive map divides the province up into Indigenous territories, including some areas where there is overlap, with sections featuring language, art and culture. - CBC

MacKenzie Scott Gives Tens Of Millions To Arts Organizations

The lack of fanfare associated with the June 15 announcement, which came in the form of a simple Medium post rather than a costly PR blitz, was part of the point, according to Scott. - Artnet

California Removes COVID Restrictions On Arts Venues

"The reopening means the end of mandatory mask requirements for vaccinated patrons of California movie theaters, gyms, restaurants, stores and family entertainment centers. However, businesses may choose to retain mask requirements or opt to implement a vaccine verification system, but those verification systems have not yet been developed. 'It's the honor system,' Newsom admitted. 'We're not requiring...

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