ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Biden Makes Historic Picks For New Heads Of NEA And NEH

Both selections are historic: Lowe will be the first Native American nominated to lead the federal humanities agency and Jackson will be the first African American and Mexican American nominated to run the arts endowment. - Washington Post

The Critical Question (Post-COVID)

Playwright Oscar Wilde once warned an age without criticism is “an age that possesses no art at all.” He never could have imagined an age when the arts are eager for resurgence, but there are few critical voices to herald their return. - CanvasCLE

Flash Floods Cause Closure Of Slovenia’s National Theater And Modern Art Museum

A total of nearly five inches of rain fell on Ljubljana on the evening of September 25, and among the many buildings to suffer millions of euros in damage were the theater SNG Drama Ljubljana and the Moderna Galerija. - The Art Newspaper

Afghan Art Is Going Underground

Now the Islamists are back in power, and Afghan artists and filmmakers — many who flourished during the past two decades — are scrambling to hide, protect or even destroy books, paintings and other works of art. - Washington Post

A Request: Please Don’t Let Amazon Eat The Film Industry

"There are eerie similarities between pre-1948 Hollywood and today’s streaming market. ... The top five streaming companies dominate." And Amazon would like to be more dominant. - The New York Times

Congress Is Looking At A Bill Designed To Help Arts Workers

And cultural workers need the money, and purpose: "Creative jobs dropped 53% between late 2019 and mid 2020, recovering only halfway since then, and the prolonged pandemic continues to threaten re-openings of art spaces." - Hyperallergic

A School Board Banned Hundreds Of Books And Documentaries Until Students Fought Back

York, Pennsylvania students, their parents, and authors around the country have won a temporary "freeze." But the school board's racism and homophobia seem entrenched and intransigent. One senior: "We know that they did not temporarily reverse out of the goodness of their hearts." - The New York Times

What Is The Solidarity Arts Economy?

Why should culture and economic innovation go together? Because, right now, we have a superstar system in which the winners take all and the rest are left with crumbs. Because, just like art, housing and dignified work are human rights. Because artists are the original gig workers. - Nonprofit Quarterly

England Launches New £20 Million Arts Fund For Capital Projects

Over the next two years, Arts Council England's Capital Investment Fund will issue grants from £100,000 to £750,000 to cultural organizations to make improvements to their buildings such as upgrading equipment, improving ventilation, or increasing access for the disabled. - The Stage

Burying Art, Hiding Books, Smuggling Movies: Afghans Fearfully Prepare For The Taliban’s Cultural Police

The Islamists now in control in Kabul have not yet stated any cultural policies other than that any art, music, publishing, film, and the like that's permitted must conform to Islamic law. (As interpreted by whom?) Artists within Afghanistan are not hopeful. - The Washington Post

Ten Rules For How To Deal With Critics

Here are ten rules I try to live by in my own experiences with harsh feedback. - Ted Gioia

San Francisco, St. Paul, Pilot Minimum Guaranteed Incomes For Artists

Both pilots have received private funding. In San Francisco, after initial city funding, the team raised an additional $3.4 million from #startsmall, a pandemic-relief fund started by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey. - Next City

Four Billion Euros. That’s France’s 2022 Budget For Arts And Culture.

"This historic progression", said culture minister Roselyne Bachelot, "will bring to +15% the lasting increase in the means which have been allocated to culture since 2017, excluding public broadcasting and civil pension charges." - Euronews

London’s Barbican Centre Is Hemorrhaging Staff: Report

Current and former employees are using terms like "mass exodus", "freefall", and "climate of fear" to describe the situation at the central London venue. The turmoil comes in the wake of reports of racism and other discrimination there. - The Stage

Behind Yale’s Failed Singapore Venture

Singapore has followed its dismissal of Yale's liberal education by introducing a Foreign Interference Act that, "under the guise of defending national sovereignty, will enable the government to designate any independent media outlet as a foreign agent and to censor its content." - Salon

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