ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


The Push For A Memorial To LA’s Biggest Race Massacre

In 1871, a mob murdered 18 Chinese people and looted every Chinese building in what's now downtown LA. "A bronze plaque embedded in the sidewalk outside the Chinese American Museum on Los Angeles Street stands as a rare memorial. It’s smaller than a pizza box." - Los Angeles Times

Our Digital Filing Systems Define Us

"Sorting through this morass might seem too overwhelming to even consider—unless we shift how we think about the purpose of organizing information: What if the end goal was not efficient retrieval? What if, instead, the sorting process itself was imbued with meaning?" - The Atlantic

If You Watch Just One Movie About Tech, Make It This Nearly 40-Year-Old Val Kilmer Piece

It''s "a movie about responsible innovation—as Chris says, about how you can’t have science without philosophy. ... Creators need to think about how their inventions will be used, and why someone wants them created in the first place." - Slate

What We’ve Learned From The Octopus About Kinds Of Intelligence

All these behaviors—as well as many more observed in the wild—suggest that octopuses learn, remember, know, think, consider, and act based on their intelligence. This changes everything we think we know about “higher order” animals, because cephalopods, unlike apes, are very, very different to us. - Nautilus

How Google Search Has Evolved, Subtlely Undermining Democracy

By adding all of these features, Google has effectively changed the experience from an explorative search environment to a platform designed around verification, replacing a process that enables learning and investigation with one that is more like a fact-checking service. - Wired

The Internet Has Become A Giant Whataboutism Chamber

Attention is finite, the record of how we spend it public, and it is easy enough to check if somebody who tweets every day about Ukraine has ever tweeted about Yemen. Many people are inclined to give somebody they trust a pass. - Hedgehog Review

Carl Sagan’s Warning On The Dumbing Down Of America

“The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.” - MediaPost

Why Storytelling Is A Critical Part Of Good Medicine

 “Yes, it’s important to examine people, but you work out what’s going on from the stories. And if people know you and trust you, and you give them time to talk, they give you gems of critically important medical information.” - The Guardian

Study: We Make More Virtuous Decisions When We Read On Paper

For example, participants who read their options and made a selection on paper were significantly more likely to give money to charity, choose a healthy entrée, and opt for an educational book rather than something more entertaining. - Harvard Business Review

The Purpose Of Learning, The Links To Creativity

We accumulate what the philosopher Ruth Garrett Millikan calls “dead facts” — knowledge about the world that is useless for daily living, like the distance to the moon, or what happened in the latest episode of “Succession.” - The New York Times

The Venue Where Rushdie Was Stabbed Usually Reflects Calmly On A Century Plus Of The Life Of The Mind

"Documentarian Ken Burns has called the institution an embodiment of the 'pursuit of happiness.' 'Happiness with a capital ‘H’ is about lifelong learning and the improvement of the brain, the heart, the body and the soul throughout one’s lifetime,'" he said. - Washington Post

How Digital Content Leads Artists To Endless Tinkering

Some might call it endless fixing, but whatever it is, digital copies mean the art can be changed or deleted at will. "If you only have a digital version, you don’t have a finite finished product. You’re renting a product from whatever service that you have." - Washington Post

How Word Games Give Us A Sense Of Control In An Out Of Control World

"I started playing word games as a way to stop reading the news first thing in the morning. Death counts, infection rates, mass shootings, disasters on our overheating planet, and what could I do about it all? I’ve protested, voted, and written." - Nieman Lab

Why Facts Mostly Don’t Change People’s Minds

For many people, a challenge to their worldview feels like an attack on their personal identity and can cause them to harden their position. Here’s some of the research that explains why it’s natural to resist changing your mind – and how you can get better at making these shifts. - The Guardian

Does Life Have A Purpose?

There is no controversy in saying that a single organism wants to remain alive. Even bacteria purposefully move toward where there is more sugar. But things get more complicated when we ask whether all of life shares a collective sense of purpose. - Big Think

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