Studies on the four-day work week prove it, too. "Instead of seeing time as a vacuum that needs to be filled, what might it look like if we considered that high performance is, in part, the result of work not done?" - Fast Company
Why? "Modern global computing systems have become more tightly intertwined and more reliant on hyper-precise timing, sometimes to the billionth of a second. Adding the extra second heightens the risk." - The New York Times
The stories of the Rote Kapelle group "show the power of joy, creativity, and love in the fight against the compliance, fear, and silence upon which fascism still depends." - Hyperallergic
Thinking that some things are true would no longer be an unquestioned assumption: we would understand why we ought to think that some things are true. - Aeon
There is a growing trend in American culture of what the literary theorist Peter Brooks calls “storification.” We’ve relied too heavily on storytelling conventions to understand the world around us, which has resulted in a “narrative takeover of reality” that affects nearly every form of communication. - The Atlantic
AI-generated content can be of higher quality than content created by humans, due to the fact that AI models are able to learn from a large amount of data and identify patterns that humans may not be able to see. This can result in more accurate and informative content. - Harvard Business Review
Longtermism is a technocratic dream that purports to give some of the wealthiest people in the world the ability to plan the far future of humanity according to their personal whims. It is hubris. - New Statesman
Consistency isn’t of value, in and of itself. If the outcomes are bad, the fact that they were arrived at by employing a consistent decision-making process doesn’t improve the outcomes themselves at all! - 3 Quarks Daily
Disasters compress time, and in a world besieged by them, dramatic shifts occur: For planners and architects and officials, whose work typically unfolds over years, disaster recovery requires and enables otherwise-unthinkable haste. - The New York Times
What happens when you go look at a painting you’ve never seen before? What I think happens is that you’re seeing it in the context of all the other pictures you’ve ever seen. When you go and look at something new, what you’re saying is, “What’s different about this experience?” - The New York Times
How is it that the dawning of the age of reason, which saw science and technology become preeminent in western culture, coincided with the industrial revolution, which is turning out to be disastrous for the natural world and, quite possibly, humanity too? - 3 Quarks Daily
Geopoliticians’ reluctance to reckon with the climate crisis comes from their sense that there are only two options: transcend the landscape or live with it. Either globalisation will release us from physical constraints or we’ll remain trapped by them. - The Guardian
That's ironic for Disney and Marvel, but: "Seeing a Mexican his color in a regal role of leadership and super heroics is special. If you’re Latino/a/x ... and been at your abuela’s house enough times when Univision or Telemundo was on, you already know what I’m talking about." - Washington Post
In this classical view of the world, all fundamental entities are either one or the other. To my undergraduate brain, this simply made sense. But in the quantum view, all objects have properties of both. - Nautilus
A growing body of research has begun to explore the nuanced ways in which technology is influencing the workplace and the workforce, shedding light on both its many benefits and substantial risks. - Harvard Business Review