Beauty is what we find, create, and propagate, either through imitation – creating a copy, another iteration – or through distribution of the thing itself. - Psyche
A small coastal town "was selected as the location for an experiment that looked a little bit like tourism, a little bit like a future-of-work demo, a little bit like selective immigration—and a lot like a test for a strained local housing market." - Wired
The environmental crisis is one of overconsumption, carbon emissions, and corporate greed. But it’s also a crisis of miscommunication. In 2023, storytelling will finally enable a united global response to the environmental crisis. - Wired
"Sometimes we can pretend we’re in a moment of stability, despite the ever-changing landscape around us; at other times, it’s all too apparent that we’re living in a time of profound shifts." (Guess what 2023 may bring.) - NiemanLab
The Irish Embassy in Berlin had the idea for a dedicated cultural officer for Germany, and idea that "was so popular that similar roles have been created in London, New York, Los Angeles and Beijing – with Paris and Latin America to follow." - Irish Times
The death of Vanessa and Virginia Stephen's parents was a disaster, but it freed the future Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf - and their brothers - to find, and found, a center of artistic life in London. - LitHub
I would argue that part of the reason that wisdom has been downgraded in education is because of the very opposition between universal truth and particular experience. We are told to seek a wisdom outside of our identities but, everywhere we go, we find ourselves and others enmeshed in these very identities. - Aeon
A reasonable reaction to generative AI is concern; if not even the imagination is safe from machines, the human mind seems at risk of becoming obsolete. - The Atlantic
Because of our herding behaviour, then, we stand a better chance to survive as members of a group than on our own. The trouble starts when we decide to use our mind against our biology. - Aeon
For us, critique is service. We critique because we care. And if these powerful companies cannot release systems that meet the expectations of those most likely to be harmed by them, then their products are not ready to serve these communities and do not deserve widespread release. - Wired
Let’s say there’s a writer named Derek. One of the things that Derek does for The Atlantic is explain stuff. Well, if there’s a technology that effortlessly explains stuff much faster than Derek, what exactly is Derek’s value to The Atlantic? - The Atlantic
“I consume and love art made by humans. I am completely moved by that. And I am not interested in illustrations made by machines and the extrapolation of information,” del Toro said in an interview with Decider. - Polygon
Wealthy economies should abandon growth of gross domestic product (GDP) as a goal and focus economic activity around securing human needs and well-being. This approach, which has gained traction in recent years, can enable rapid decarbonization and stop ecological breakdown while improving social outcomes. - Nature
The era upended the world as these men and women knew it, both scientifically and socially, and they heatedly debated how to reconceptualize their discipline in light of discoveries about subatomic particles and their probabilistic behaviors. - The Wall Street Journal
We normally think of generosity as pure and noble—evidence of the soul, not evidence of brain damage. But what if giving is largely a reflex or an instinct or even, sometimes, a sign of mental derangement? - The Atlantic