ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


What Recent Research Reveals About Narcissists

"There’s a difference between everyday selfishness and real narcissism – and there’s a distinction between a normal personality trait and the harmful, rare personality disorder. As the research around narcissism has evolved in recent years, psychologists and psychiatrists have learned more about these differences." - Psyche

In Many Countries, Losing Restaurants Means Losing Community

Diego Salazar, former chair of the World's 50 Best Restaurants, has had a longer quarantine than many people. Sure, he and his wife order takeout - and it tastes great, but "I’d realize I was still missing everything about what once made me love food: the people who create it and the 'sobremesa' — the limitless chat after desserts, the...

It Might Take A Pandemic To Learn To Watch Like A Critic

A parent, working with what she's got - a kid eager to watch, an endless supply of streaming, critical faculties - explains by invoking Ben Brantley: "When we find ourselves isolated, and craving connection, we can find it (for a moment at least) though critical engagement with something wonderful someone has made for us. And thank god for WiFi."...

American Television Simply Can’t Deal With Aging And Death

TV execs might say the reason is that audiences don't like to see death (which seems a little odd after the successes of Six Feet Under, but ... sure, network TV). A closer look reveals the driving force: "The real reason there was so little exploration of death in prime-time programming was that advertisers did not want their products...

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