For all of the well-intentioned idealism of today’s aspirational elite, there is a dark side of meritocracy that is never fully concealed in the strivers’ displays and proclamations of goodwill. - Hedgehog Review
There’s a huge leap in jumping from these general, aggregate findings to believing that such simple ideas can guide the behavior of complex states without an incredible amount of additional refinement. - Foreign Policy
In person, we still know how to be classy friends. But class is tricky on social media. No one can be expected to read the room when the room is planet-sized. - Wired
Disability Futures will have at least two more 20-person cohorts. Great, but "the feedback from the first class ... was frank: Do even better in the selection process." - The New York Times
Users claim they can "reality shift" to any fictional world; just, they say, "switch your consciousness to the right parallel universe." - Washington Post
The arts are "a major industry that employed some 93,500 people before the pandemic and paid them $7.4 billion in wages" - and are part of the lifeblood of the city. - The New York Times
It concludes that the current business-as-usual trajectory of global civilization is heading toward the terminal decline of economic growth within the coming decade—and at worst, could trigger societal collapse by around 2040. - Vice
The technology, which involves creating a digital clone of a real-world object or system, is revolutionising the fields of healthcare, manufacturing and logistics. It is now having a profound impact on architecture and urbanism too. - Dezeen
My research findings demonstrate how honing imagination and wonder is essential to creating cultures dedicated to innovative and responsible corporate practices demanded by a growing majority of workers. - The Conversation
The notion that private corporations ought to achieve something that states have been able to do since the 1960s—fly to space—is a peculiarly U.S. one. It combines domestic libertarianism with the more global ethos of neoliberalism. - Boston Review
The Republican operatives, who dismiss the expositions of critical race theorists and anti-racists in order to define critical race theory and anti-racism, and then attack those definitions, are effectively debating themselves. - The Atlantic
Boys at one year of age with a gut bacterial composition that was high in the bacteria Bacteroidetes were found to have more advanced cognition and language skills one year later. - MedicalXpress
Therapy can and even sometimes should feel like a game. For when we play, we are present. But more importantly, we are malleable, dropping preconceived notions of what should or shouldn’t happen. - Los Angeles Times
Research has shown, for instance, that 20% of all deaths could be prevented if cities were designed to meet the recommendations for physical activity, air pollution, noise, heat, and green space. - Fast Company