ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


How Conspiracy Theorists Learn To Believe Their Own Fake News

When online surveyor YouGov conducted a survey asking over 8,000 US adults, “Do you believe that the Earth is round or flat?,” only 84 percent of respondents felt certain that the Earth is round. - LitHub

Lessons From Shared Crises: Community Connection Matters

As the Blitz and other collective crises have taught us, resilience is not a given and has to be managed with an understanding of peoples’ fears and wishes, including their need for connectedness. - Psyche

Our Habits Aren’t Just Mindless — They Actually Help Make Us Smarter

Even our most mundane habitual routines actually display a great deal of intelligence. Indeed, they are often intelligently context-sensitive and flexible in such a way as can support and structure our goals and projects. - Psyche

Why Do We Go To War? It’s Quite Simple, Really

There are only three such impulses: greed, self-defense, and ideas or emotions. - The Nation

Why Framing The Question Is The Most Important Part Of The Debate

Any question, any debate must be formulated. How and whether the question can be resolved is contingent on the way it is formulated. - 3 Quarks Daily

The Death-Positive Library

Truly, the UK has invented - and spread - a library movement for our times. - The Guardian (UK)

How US Teen Culture Took Over The World

Universal secondary education not only elevated Americans by spreading relevant knowledge and skills to the masses. It also gave rise to a more complex social and cultural transformation, as the adolescent period became pivotal in shaping who we are. - Aeon

Want To Spread A Complicated Idea? Social Media Influencers Can’t Help

Surprisingly, the researchers discovered that new and provocative ideas emerge at the edge of networks, from people with fewer contacts and little obvious pull. - Fast Company

We Need To Rethink Honorific Titles Such As “Professor”

Tyler Cowan: "Why for instance should I be called “Professor Cowen,” but few people would address the person fixing their toilet as “Plumber Jones”?" - Bloomberg

We Need To Reattach Desire And Creativity. Enter A Philosophy of Porn

It has become unfashionable to subject pornography, and the market of desire it serves, to ethical critique, largely because of the broader embrace of an ethic of “sex positivity...” - Prospect

Has The Internet Worsened Our Cognitive Abilities? The Studies Suggest That…

"An intergenerational discourse that looks at the next new thing—be it digital technology, the telephone, radio, TV, even way back to Socrates’ time, when he talked about the invention of writing as bringing about the end of memory—and worry." - Nautilus

Mitigating The Brain – We’re Still Not Sure What Works

"An essential but unanswered question in my field is: can the brain changes evoked by treatments – whether drug-based or psychotherapy – explain why only some people get better after each specific form of treatment?" - Psyche

Pining For The Empire (We Should Pay Attention)

The experience of imperial nostalgia, Peter Mitchell argues, is not just some lightly felt fancy or excuse for “rote grumpiness,” but evidence of a “real and unassuageable grief” that we should take seriously. - The Baffler

Americans Have No Trust? Actually – We Are Amazingly Trusting

The modern sharing economy is premised on leaps of faith in perfect strangers: we rely on crowdsourced restaurant reviews on Yelp, climb into a stranger’s car through Uber, stay at someone else’s house via Airbnb... - The New Yorker

Fake News: Distinguishing Between Lies And Mistakes

There’s a very big difference between an error and a lie – and between ‘fake news’ and ‘false news’. A fake is always false, and was intended to be. But a falsehood is not always a fake; it could simply be a mistake. - Aeon

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