ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Why Do We Have Weird Dreams? To Learn Better

More and more, findings in deep learning are inspiring new theories of how our brains work. Neural networks need to “dream” of weird, senseless examples to learn well. - Nautilus

The Crisis In Scientific Publishing

The worry is that scientific processes have been undermined by perverse incentives to the point that it’s difficult to know what to believe. - London Review of Books

How Your Brain Constructs You

Just as your memory is a construction, so are your senses. Everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel is the result of some combination of stuff outside and inside your head. - MIT Technology Review

Time To Abandon The Idea Of Generational Cultures

For one thing, there is no empirical basis for claiming that differences within a generation are smaller than differences between generations. - The New Yorker

Stories About Other Worlds Help Imagine Better Futures

Other worlds and other possibilities aren’t just about kind of fantasy possibilities, but actual other worlds that exist alongside us now. And that can hopefully help make what we’re doing mean more and maybe make a difference in the lives of those around us. - The Conversation

Innovation And The Great Resignation

It wasn’t so long ago that people were worried that automation would put them out of work. Ironically, instead, people chose to quit jobs they hated, and now companies are scrambling to automate to replace them. - 3 Quarks Daily

The Difference Between Random And Chaos

Randomness, like cards or dice, is unpredictable because we just don’t have the right information. Chaos is somewhere between random and predictable. A hallmark of chaotic systems is predictability in the short term that breaks down quickly over time, as in river rapids or ecosystems. - The Conversation

Our Complicated Ideas About Work And Identity

Why do we continue to cling so hard to our work-based identities, in spite of an inner nature that tells us not to work so much? - The Nation

World History, According To Disneyland

"The castle at the center of the park, homage to the glorious medieval years after the bubonic plague wound down, when fair maidens and knights vanquished mysterious evils while kings and queens conquered the farthest reaches of the known world with the Christian God behind them." - The Paris Review

The Right To Be Forgotten: Should Newspapers Have To Remove Your Name If You Ask Them?

“The big concern here is that, basically, news organizations are now willingly performing much more extreme acts of censorship of their own content than what is being done in the EU under legal mandate. For some reason, most of them don’t acknowledge that.” - CJR

Edward Snowden: Balancing Risk, Reality And Facts

The true challenge is not to enumerate the risk, but to live with it; to stake out the resilient middle ground between denying danger altogether and finding nothing but danger everywhere. - Edward Snowden

Andras Szanto: The Permeability Of Ideas Versus Our Institutions

"To what extent does the artistic institutional system become distanced from primary creativity?  The system of scientific institutions is no less problematic. Sooner or later it will reflect its own institutional logic more than the needs of society." - Designisso

Performative Diversity?

The current emphasis on diversity and inclusivity, however warranted, endangers or distorts a cultural canon that we cannot (in fact, must not) wholly jettison. Indeed, the canon is newly pertinent. - American Purpose

Streaming Has Killed Music Genres. That’s A Real Loss

Musical genres have long had a peculiar imaginative power and participatory quality. They aren’t just labels imposed by an industry; they’re shaped by passions and arguments, love and disgust, allegiances and disavowals. - The Atlantic

Today’s “Natural” Acoustics Are Based On Theatre Experiments in 18th Century Paris

When Hollywood technicians debated how to make movies sound natural, they were unwittingly following a trail blazed by 18th-century architects, who spent decades working out the acoustic conventions of modern theatres. - Aeon

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