ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Talk To The Hand – How Our Hands Help Us Communicate

I hadn’t perceived how hard it is to read the responses of one’s audience when the most expressive part of the face is hidden. - Hedgehog Review

Why Did We Organize Time Into Seven-Day Weeks?

The development that really established the seven-day week as insurmountable, David Henkin contends, came in the middle of the twentieth century: the television schedule. - The New Yorker

Technology Is Promising Boosts To Your Enlightenment

Technoboosts include brain stimulation, which uses electric currents or other means to directly target certain brain areas and change their behavior, and synthetic psychedelics, which are lab-created versions of drugs such as ayahuasca. - Vox

Why We Sleep

Sleep’s benefits extend far beyond the brain, and that muscles, the immune system, and the gut can all have a say in when and how sleep occurs. That work “might change our focus from studying sleep’s role in complex cognitive processes to how it impacts basic cellular function.” - Science

This Time, We’re Really Anxious (A History)

Of course, anxiety never went away. Depression might have seemed ubiquitous, but people in the late 20th century hardly had less to be anxious about or more to be depressed about. - Psyche

Many Of The Ancient Roman Stoics Were Proto-Feminists

Gaius Musonius Rufus wrote plainly, "If then men and women are born with the same virtues, the same type of training and education must, of necessity, befit both men and women." - Psyche

The US Constitution: Is It Holding Back a Fairer Culture Or Holding Us Back?

Two new books reveal the widening gulf between those who see the Constitution’s age as a sign of its wisdom and those who see it as the dead hand of the past. At stake is also a longer conflict about whether U.S. history is a matter of great changes or a changing sameness. - Boston Review

How The Week Shapes Our Perception Of Time

When you think it’s a Tuesday and it turns out to be Wednesday, you feel disoriented in a way that you don’t typically if you think it’s the 26th and it turns out to be the 27th. That’s the change: the real grip on our time consciousness that the week exerts. - The Atlantic

Big Thinkers Get Together To Debate “Information Disorder”

Mis- and disinformation are not the root causes of society’s ills but, rather, expose society’s failures to overcome systemic problems, such as income inequality, racism, and corruption, which can be exploited to promote false information online. - NiemanLab

Machine Learning Is Teaching Us How To See The World Differently

The opacity of machine learning systems raises serious concerns about their trustworthiness and their tendency towards bias. But the brute fact that they work could be bringing us to a new understanding and experience of what the world is and our role in it. - Aeon

Work You’re Ashamed Of? (The Cultural Implications)

Whether or not a certain line of work is shameful or honorable is culturally relative, varying greatly. Farmers, soldiers, actors, dentists, prostitutes, pirates and priests have all been respected or despised in some society or other. - 3 Quarks Daily

Your Social Status Versus Your Moral Status

Within the state and between the state and those it governs, personal relationships are much less significant than they used to be after a centuries long effort to redescribe them as ‘corruption’. But they are merely down; not out. - 3 Quarks Daily

Finally, We Understand What The Marvel Cinematic Universe Is All About

And that is ... an indictment of toxic masculinity? Sure, yes, absolutely. "Messing up, it must be said, is very much part of the Marvel hero’s DNA." - The Guardian (UK)

New York’s New Motto Is Be Nice To Tourists

Especially in the performing and visual arts, NY isn't going to survive long without those Euros (and many other forms of currency) pouring in. Says one marketer: "Arts and culture are going to lead our recovery. That is the backbone." - The New York Times

Weapon Of Mass Distraction: Why Facebook’s “Metaverse” Is An Illusion

In actuality, Facebook is basically spending $10 billion on a prayer that, in the short run, it might change the conversation. It gives them an opportunity to talk about the metaverse instead of insurrection and teen depression. - New York Magazine

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