Isadora Duncan once famously claimed that if she could tell you what she meant, there would be no point in dancing it. That attitude—that dancers should be seen and not heard—continues to pervade the concert dance scene. - Dance Magazine
Taking the helm of an unhappy company is José Carlos Martinez, a 53-year-old Spaniard, who spent 23 years dancing therey, 14 of them as an étoile, before retiring from the stage in 2011 and serving for eight years as director of Spain's Compañía Nacional de Danza. - The New York Times
The American-born and -trained choreographer, now 83, became artistic director of the then-under-resourced company in 1973 and led it to world-class status, creating over 160 works as well. He retires at the end of next season, in August of 2024. - Pointe Magazine
Demis Volpi, a 35-year-old Argentine-German choreographer who trained in Buenos Aires, Toronto, and Stuttgart, has been artistic director of the Ballett am Rhein Düsseldorf/Duisburg since 2020. - Dance for You Magazine (Germany)
The collection consists of approximately 35,000 images, the majority dating from the early years of the 20th century through to the early years of the 21st century, when digital photography overtook film and print photography. - Dancing Times
"Viengsay Valdés ... has the task of renewing the ballet's reputation when Cuba finds itself in a deep economic crisis. It will not only be the country's famously enthusiastic audience she faces in this role, but power cuts, food shortages, collapsing theatres and Cuba's youth fleeing the island." - The Guardian
With this year being hailed as the most diverse series ever, Strictly is attempting to better reflect the diversity that exists across the British population by challenging the dominant norms in dance traditions and styles that feature on the show. - The Conversation
He's the world's most admired classical ballet choreographer, and he was artistic director at the Bolshoi. But, because he opposes Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the companies have removed his name from their materials (though they're happy to keep using his work without his name on it). - MSN (The Washington Post)
Two members of the board of competitive Irish step dancing's chief governing body have stepped down in the wake of revelations that some coaches and judges have colluded in fixing the results of competitions. There has been no indication so far that either of the resigners was directly involved. - Irish Independent
Emily Johnson's "expansive work often brings its viewer-participants into outdoor public spaces, drawing our attention to the land beneath and around us — to what has been here before and what could be in the future." - The New York Times
Kent, an international ballet star, led the Washington Ballet for six years. In her statement about leaving for the Houston Ballet, she said, "It is where I found my voice as an artistic director." - Washington Post
"Our last show was March 2020. I was 40, and I was already feeling like, OK, my body is changing. I'm not sure that I can sustain this. ... So I don't want to say I'm stopping dancing. But it does require a shift of thought." - The New York Times
If we look at the world through Parson’s eyes, we find that dance is all around us, in people stretching or hugging or standing in line. We are all “natural choreographers,” continually navigating through space. - The Atlantic
"Whichever culture you inhabit, it is likely that dancing is a part of it. ... To gyrate rhythmically to music in the presence of others – the closer you look at this custom, the stranger it seems – is an activity whose roots in the human psyche go deep. Why do we do it?" - The Independent (UK)
"An eclectic roster of Australian dance artists gathers together for the first time for DanceX. A new festival conceived and curated by David Hallberg, artistic director of The Australian Ballet, it runs October 20–November 1 at the Arts Centre Melbourne." - Dance Magazine