"In 1990, then-director Sam Miller named (Norton Owen) director of preservation, where he now oversees the scholar-in-residence program, PillowTalks, pre- and post-show talks, and exhibitions. Carrying on Pillow founder Ted Shawn’s drive to document, Owen has prioritized video and continually upgraded the quality of the organization’s performance recordings." - Dance Magazine
One candy cane (aka a "Hoops"): "Not all ballet companies involve children in their productions, and New York City Ballet kind of prioritizes children. I think that’s cool. It makes you feel special, like sometimes it’s a confidence boost." - The New York Times
For African dancers to perform it, said Senegalese choreographer, dance company founder and dancer Germaine Acogny, "felt absolutely right." - The New York Times
The board had suspended Michael Krasnyansky and his wife, Artistic Director Gladisa Guadalupe, pending results of the investigation. - The Plain Dealer
Out of eight professional dancers in the company, five were fired and another put on administrative leave. The dancers say they have had concerns with both hostile working environment and physical risk since the replacement of the previous artistic director with company dancer Caroline Sheridan in 2022. - CNY Central (Syracuse)
"In a pair of lawsuits filed in Richmond Circuit Court, the dancers say the company required them to maintain a 'dangerously unhealthy weight' to qualify for roles. They allege the pressure led to eating disorders and a cascade of health problems, including the loss of their menstrual cycles." - Axios
After 53 years at the helm, he is turning Garth Fagan Dance over to principals Natalie Rogers-Cropper (executive director) and Norwood “PJ” Pennewell (artistic director). Fagan himself — best known as choreographer of The Lion King on Broadway — will continue to create dances for the company. - Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY)
Karon Davis - daughter of Ben Vereen and Nancy Bruner - says, "I want to show what happens before you get to that point — all the labor, all the sacrifice, all the bloody toes and the sore muscles." - The New York Times
"'I am going to spend more time with my family, and I am going to focus on my health,' he wrote, but he did not specify those health concerns or give further reasons for the suddenness of his departure, … (though he) noted recent deaths in his family." - The New York Times
Choreography is a way to start conversations about how bodies make meaning, whose bodies matter, how bodies interface with technologies. Dance is a way of demonstrating how agile, how kinesthetically intelligent, how capable today’s robots are. Making robots dance is astonishingly hard. - Dance Magazine
Artistic director Gladisa Guadalupe and president/CEO Michael Krasnyansky, who are married, are alleged to have fired a teacher at the company school's outreach program after seeing a photo of her in class, and then to have fired the outreach program's manager after he complained to HR. - WKYC (Cleveland)
A writer and spoken-word artist as well as musical entrepreneur, "Dworkin will work with Complexions founders and co–artistic directors Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson to develop poetry that will be used in company repertoire or recited as an additional performance element." - Pointe Magazine
In the Largest 50 contemporary and modern companies, there are 30 female artistic directors (56%) and 24 male artistic directors (44%). Whereas, the Largest 50 ballet companies, include 13 female (24.5%) and 38 (74.5%) male artistic directors. - Dance Data Project