ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Australian Dance Theatre’s Artistic Director Stepping Down After 22 Years

Garry Stewart took the helm at Adelaide-based ADT — which is the country's oldest contemporary dance company — in 1999 and choreographed 20 original works there. - InDaily (Adelaide)

Is Choreography Is Protected By U.S. Copyright? Yes And No

It's a messy enough business that the first commercial choreography for a pop music video (an industry where you'd think there's enough money involved to have figured this out years ago) to get copyrighted was only last July. (It was JaQuel Knight's moves for Beyoncé's "Single Ladies".) Steven Vargas gives readers some background in American copyright law, hints for...

‘It’s Muybridge on Steroids’: Herman Cornejo And A ‘Photo-Scientist’ Make A Totally Different Dance Video

In DANCELIVE by Herman Cornejo, shot by Steven Sebring using his specially developed in-the-round camera system, viewers can "watch from up close and see their movements from all sides and different angles, the visual equivalent of surround sound. … QR codes … will allow viewers to use their phones to interact with the online images, moving them forward...

Running The Prix De Lausanne Ballet Competition Despite The Pandemic

Since this year's 78 contestants from 20 countries can't travel to Switzerland, they're submitting pre-recorded videos. The jury members (masked and socially distanced, of course) will meet in Lausanne to watch and judge those videos together, keeping to the same schedule they would in a normal year. - Pointe Magazine

Milwaukee Ballet Plans Return To Mainstage Performance In June

As it did with its abbreviated Nutcracker in December, the company will do its first two productions of 2021 before an in-person audience of 10 people, with all other ticketholders watching online. But the season's final production will be back (local regulations permitting) at Milwaukee Ballet's usual venue, the Marcus Performing Arts Center, June 10-13. - Milwaukee Business Journal

Scottish Gymnastics Told To Speed Up A Ballet School Abuse Investigation

"Several parents raised concerns with Scottish Gymnastics a year ago over dance classes for eight to 12-year-olds at the prestigious Ballet West school in Taynuilt, Argyll. Allegations were made that children at Ballet West’s lower school were shouted at by coaches and 'body shamed,' causing distress and anxiety." - The Sunday Times (UK)

What It Took To Program Robots To Dance The Twist And The Mashed Potato

A video which became a viral hit last month "shows two of Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas research robots doing the twist, the mashed potato and other classic moves, joined by Spot, a doglike robot, and Handle, a wheeled robot designed for lifting and moving boxes in a warehouse or truck. … almost a year and half of choreography,...

Black Dancer Sidelined At Berlin State Ballet Won’t Give Up Struggle

"Berlin first black dancer, Chloé Lopes Gomes, said she has been made to feel different because of her skin colour since she first donned ballet shoes as a child. But after she was again subjected to what she described as 'racism' at Germany's largest dance company, she has launched a fightback that has forced the State Ballet to...

Remembering The Other Nijinsky — And How She Changed Dance

"The Nijinsky name, however, does not belong to alone. In an era where static positions were the marrow of classical dance, Nijinska envisioned a modernist ballet, one which saw focus shift towards the movement which connected these positions. Ultimately, she believed it was not the final posture that encapsulated the beauty of ballet, but the spaces in...

Black Ballet Dancers Talk About How To Move Toward Equity And Inclusion

Black artists From Boston Ballet, ABT, New York City Ballet, BalletMet, Aspen Santa Fe Ballet, Tanzcompany Innsbruck, the Trocks, and the pool of freelance dancers describe the challenges they face and what would be genuinely helpful. - Dance Magazine

A Dancer Breaking Ballet’s Gender Norms

What is unique about Ashton Edwards is that he is a man doing serious en pointe work in a professional ballet setting. "Ashton led us there," says PNB director Peter Boal, speaking of Edwards' request to study en pointe. "Ballet can be a little bit slow. We said, 'Why not? Lead us and we will work with you.' "...

Oh, Netflix, Why Couldn’t You Make A Better Ballet Show?

The plot has issues. The characters have issues. The filming of dance itself has issues. "Then there are the voice-overs, each more overwrought than the next. 'There’s a wicked paradox in ballet,' one intones. 'Great flexibility is expected to blossom in a rigid world. The brutal rules and endless isolation, the messing of your mind, it somehow contorts your...

Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Director Has Some Things To Say About The Issues Facing The Festival

For one thing, there was a pandemic last year (and this year), which canceled darn near everything. Then, in November, came the fire that destroyed the Doris Duke Theatre. Pamela Tatge: "We all want to make as much dance as possible happen for our artists and our audience, so, to lose one of our primary spaces was devastating. ......

A Black Dance Company In Los Angeles Gets Serious Funding

Black arts groups are "historically passed over for foundation funding of this magnitude," but the Lula Washington Dance Theatre won over its grantors. The history of Black arts groups needing funding to get more funding is long and depressing - but things may be changing. - Los Angeles Times

Dancers Are Still Trying To Break Down Gender Stereotypes In Ballet

Ashton Edwards, an 18-year-old student at the Pacific Northwest Ballet's Professional Division, got tired of studying for and dancing "male roles." Last year, the dancer said was ready to go after something else - en pointe work. Peter Boal, the ballet's artistic director: "Ballet can be a little bit slow. We said, 'Why not? Lead us and we will...

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