ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Hollywood Has Sold Out To China

And it's not likely to change anytime soon. - The Atlantic

Why Hybrid Film Festivals Are The Future

Online festival screenings have attracted large and enthusiastic new audiences for independent and artist-led film. The hybrid edition of Sundance 2021 reached an audience 2.7 times larger than the 2020 edition in Utah, with over 600,000 audience views. - Hyperallergic

The Awesome Power Of TikTok To Sell Backlist Books

"A large community of TikTok users have carved out a corner called 'BookTok'. BookTok influencers are predominantly teenagers and young women, … (and) when a book catches on among users (a common hashtag on BookTok videos is #TikTokMade­Me­ReadIt), the real-world results can be impressive." - Publishers Weekly

Ten Years After The Self-Published “Fifty Shades Of Gray,” Self-Publishing Has Evolved

The phenomenon of self-publishing is often linked to online book production methods. However, there is a much richer history of self-publishing that goes further back than its digital counterpart. - The Conversation

COVID May Finally Be Ending The Plague Of Audience Coughing

Fear of COVID, to be more precise. "Even before you realise what you have done, anxious sideways looks will have been exchanged, the seeds of doubt sown. Coughing has become the equivalent of randomly shouting 'fire' in a theatre – a gesture guaranteed to provoke fear." - The Guardian

What Gets Lost In Opera Livestreams?

We were lucky to have access to livestreams from across the world in 2020. But: "Although the streamed productions I later saw live had flashes of revelation, those moments were few and far between in what was, on balance, limited by the medium: the subjective and inevitably narrow perspective of the camera, the engineered flattening of sound." - The...

How A Canadian Actor’s Movie Got Burdened With Carrying Marvel

The first Asian-led Marvel film "has been transformed into an unwilling test case for the future of box office blockbusters, fans' commitment to the increasingly bloated Marvel universe, and superhero movies in general." - CBC

Doctors In Brussels Are Prescribing Museum Visits To Treat Stress

A three-month trial at one of Belgium's largest hospitals involves selected mental health patients getting free visits — by prescription only! — to five of the capital's public art institutions." - Artnet

As If COVID Weren’t Enough, Texas Arts Venues Now Have To Worry About Handguns

As of Sept. 1, any adult in Texas may carry a gun in public, concealed or not, without any license. Private businesses and venues may still ban guns and use metal detectors, but staffers worry that communicating this to some patrons will be, er, challenging. - KERA (Dallas)

Facebook Admits: Engagement Might Not Be The Gold Standard

Optimizing for engagement is at the heart of many of the criticisms of social platforms. An algorithm that’s too focused on engagement might push users toward content that might be super engaging but of low social value. - Wired

Interesting Side Effect Of Pandemic: Arts Audiences Are Growing Beyond Australia’s Big Cities

With overseas travel blocked, people from the state capitals are traveling to regional towns and boosting attendance there, and more local people are coming to venues as well. - Arts Hub (Australia)

The Outdoor Concerts In Ireland Where Musicians Arrive By Canal And Barge

Sounds gloriously picturesque: "There’s a tall lamp standing on the stone quayside at a lock in rural Co Carlow on a warm and clear evening. Beside it, a cream and green barge is moored, with a mixing desk on the bow and a few cables trailing on to the bank up towards the lamp." - Irish Times

Is Seeing Live Theatre Worth All Of The COVID Precautions And Stress?

Charles McNulty, in Los Angeles, says yes, but: "Anticipating the stress of the new COVID-19 protocols, I forgot the old stresses, the lunatic driving at Hollywood and Vine, the $25 parking fee ('credit card only, please'). The woman sitting behind me returned after intermission with a bag of potato chips." - Los Angeles Times

Broadway Wants Locals Back

But will they come in the midst of a Delta surge? - The New York Times

How Safe Are Music Concerts?

Ask Sweden. But also, ask Delta. And keep up the safe behavior: "From an infection prevention standpoint, it is still the safest to gather outside, masked and physically distanced. The other important aspect is vaccination. When vaccinated, and wearing a mask, it is safer to gather at outdoor events." - Seattle Times

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