ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


A New Factor In Writing TV Scripts: The Online Superfans Scrutinizing Every Line Of Dialogue For Clues

"Storytellers have to do more than spin a satisfying yarn; they must contend with fans who are so involved, they're practically racing them to the finish line. ... Knowing that their audience is watching so intently has become an occupational hazard when plotting mysteries and lore-driven tales." - MSN (The Atlantic)

Fan Obsessions Are Changing The Ways TV Is Made

Audiences have begun to more actively engage with what they watch. They analyze, turning ambiguity into clarity, forging connections with fellow fans. As a result, storytellers have to do more than spin a satisfying yarn; they must contend with fans who are so involved, they’re practically racing them to the finish line. - The Atlantic

Mass-Market Paperbacks Are In Trouble

Over the last five years, sales in the category are down 32% by units sold and 43% by revenue.  Some authors and titles, especially romances and mysteries, have moved to trade paperbacks; a bigger issue is the rise of very cheap self-published ebooks in a highly price-sensitive category. - Publishers Weekly

A Phoenix Record Store Turns The Audiophile World On Its Head

A California company spent years lying about where its music came from. "'It’s the biggest debacle I’ve ever seen in the vinyl realm,' says Kevin Gray, a mastering engineer." A filmmaker who had purchased 50 albums added, "They were completely deceitful." Does it matter? - Washington Post

Eighty Percent Of Younger Viewers Keep Subtitles Turned On. Why?

A study last November found that four out of five viewers aged between 18 and 25 said they use subtitles “all or part of the time” compared with only a quarter of those aged between 56 and 75. - The Guardian

New Canadian Radio Format Focuses On Audience And Wins Listeners

Key to Conversation Radio's success is the higher level of interaction between hosts and the audience. “The hosts skilled in storytelling, the life of a party but not the center of attention – the audience is always the center of attention.” - Inside Radio

Classical Music Audiences Want Print, Not PDFs

"Those ushers who once carried proud armfuls of programs now wander the lobbies, outfitted (sometimes literally) with oversize QR codes, waiting to be scanned by passing patrons like a can of soup at the self-checkout." - Washington Post

Netflix Is In Trouble

Dreams of the company building a global base of 700 million or even 800 million paid memberships now seem far-fetched, given the company has stalled out at around 220 million. - New York Magazine

The Metaverse Is Coming To Hollywood, Probably Starting With Disney

"When we think about the virtual plane of existence where the impossible is possible, it's likely that many of us are going to want to use that to enrich our connection to the stories and characters we love most." - MSN (Los Angeles Times)

Why Theatre Twitter, TikTok, And Instagram Absolutely Lost It Over Funny Girl Cast Changes

And yes, theatre folks on social media absolutely lost it. "All of this getting out so soon made what could have been a difficult-but-privately-handled situation into a messy, public shitshow." - Slate

YouTube Live Has Been Rather Quietly Growing Until It’s Bigger Than Hulu

"Google nearly decided to call the internet TV service 'YouTube Air,' because an early version used an over-the-air TV antenna," and then internally it was YouTube "Unplugged." The service has a million more subscribers than its fellow "Live" at Hulu. - Variety

Baltimore Symphony Cancels Ten Of Next Season’s Concerts Due To Low Attendance

"In response to a precipitous slide in attendance during the 2021-22 season, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has canceled 10 concerts originally scheduled to be performed next season at Meyerhoff Symphony Hall. ... By the end of last season, attendance at BSO performances was averaging about 40% of capacity." - The Baltimore Sun

The Afterlife Of Public Art

Should public art, once removed from its original space, go to a museum - or to a Dumpster? - The New York Times

Warning: Current Streaming Model Is Rotten, Must Change

The longer that this new “business model” is allowed to operate, the harder it will be to change. I often think about how 25 years ago the introduction of the DVD became a cautionary lesson in when you choose to fight.  - Deadline

US Museum Attendance Hits A Post-Pandemic Plateau

"Recent data collected by Artnet from more than a dozen museums around the country suggests that attendance recovery has slowed, with some cultural institutions finding that audience levels have stagnated or dropped over the last year." - Artnet

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