ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Hannah Gadsby Is Australian, And Sometimes, Her Aussie Comedy Doesn’t Translate

At least not to the U.S., where sincerity is important. "To make sense of this, allow me to explain the Australian cultural phenomenon that is the elegantly simple 'yeah, nah.'" - Slate

Musicians Union Reaches Deal With David Byrne’s Broadway Show

There will be 12 musicians, instead of recorded music and protests, as Here Lies Love hits Broadway. - The New York Times

The Tonys Almost Didn’t Happen, So You Better Watch And Appreciate Them

And here's when and how. - Washington Post

The Fresh Urgency Of Telling Queer Stories On Stage

Why are new plays about historical trans and queer folks important? "These queer stories give us reassurance that we’re not alone now, and we haven’t ever been alone. These stories remind us that queer people have always been and will always be a part of humanity." - American Theatre

Finally: Universal Says Its Video-On-Demand Strategy Is Making Money, Not Impacting Theatre Box Office

Universal has generated more than $1 billion in premium V.O.D. revenue in less than three years, while showing little-to-no decrease in ticket sales. In some cases, box-office sales even increased when films became available in homes, which Universal has decided is a side effect of premium V.O.D. advertising and word of mouth. - The New York Times

In Praise Of The Movie Matinee

These showings have numerous advantages over their evening counterparts. The tickets are typically cheaper, for one. Daytime movie audiences also tend to be more relaxed, and to go alone. - The Atlantic

What’s Lost When Movie Theatres Upgrade

Comfort has taken priority over connection. - The Wall Street Journal

A History Of The Gay Best Friend

For a long time, "sassy support was about the best representation queer people could hope for on screen, even if it required some code-reading on the viewer’s part." - The Guardian (UK)

The Case For Multilingual Museums

"One of the biggest challenges with incorporating Spanish and English text is planning for the display of double the amount of text which would otherwise be included. In addition to affecting the layout, this additional text can increase the show’s production time and the budget." - Glasstire

This Dave Eggers Project Lets Young Readers Edit Books-In-Progress Written For Their Age Group

"'We started cooking up this idea of showing students or classes written manuscripts and saying, 'What do you think?' To show them the process as it went along.' And so the Young Editors Project was born." - The New York Times Book Review

Round 286: Movie Theatres Want You Back. They’re Upgrading

Many theaters also went into 2020 with thin margins and may have survived only because of federal pandemic relief programs. Now cinemas are spending millions of dollars to beef up their offerings and surpass moviegoing of old. - The New York Times

What’s Holding Broadway Back From A Full Audience Recovery? The Burbs.

"Grosses are down about 13% from the record 2018-19 season but only 7% from the (previous) year. The remaining gap is largely caused by the reluctance of suburban audiences to return — (partly because) many suburbanites have not returned to working in their city offices during the week." - The Hollywood Reporter

The Resurrected MoviePass Has Now Launched Across The U.S.

"(The $10-monthly) Basic level gets you one to three movies a month. ... A $40 Pro account will get 30 movies a month — (roughly) a movie a day, depending on the month. The company says its $20 tier is the most popular, at three to seven a month." - TechCrunch

British Theatre Audiences Behaving Badly, Part XVII: Actors Have A Whinge About It

"I'm doing this emotional ballad, quiet at the start, and someone gets their phone out. They're on WhatsApp and start leaving a voice note saying, 'I'm just watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks, I'm really enjoying it, I think it finishes in 10 minutes'. I can hear the entire conversation." - The Guardian

Broadway’s First Full Post-Pandemic Season Sold 12.3 Million Tickets And Grossed $1.58 Billion

"The promising numbers are both comparable to pre-pandemic totals, if still falling short. … This season's figures reflect a drop of 16.83% for attendance and 13.76% for grosses from" the 2018-19 season, the last one unaffected by COVID. "They're also, unsurprisingly, a giant leap from last season's numbers." - Playbill

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