“It was genuinely groundbreaking in its relationship with the city. The bridge over to St Paul’s was conceived really early on and it caused a great opening up of the river. ... It has helped London develop its confidence.” - The Observer (UK)
Maybe reconsider that Open AI pitch, Hollywood creatives. "In Sora’s world, … pilots, CEOs, and college professors are men, while flight attendants, receptionists, and childcare workers are women. Disabled people are wheelchair users, interracial relationships are tricky to generate, and fat people don’t run.” - Wired
“None of the indicators show full recovery from pre-pandemic levels. And though the pre-Covid years may look booming in hindsight, many of the issues that have battered the field since 2020 were in fact long-standing and systemic, and are still being worked through.” - American Theatre
The new study from the think tank Remuseum, based at Crystal Bridges Museum in Arkansas, is titled “Access, Scale, and Market Share” and presents new findings in its analysis of American art museums and proposals about how they can maximize resources and practices to widen their reach to the public. - Artnet
“Jury Games (is) one of several immersive theater productions that are taking jury service … and repackaging it as entertainment. Similar experiences will be popping up in cities around the world this year, including The Jury Experience in … North America and Europe, and Murder Trial Tonight, touring Britain.” - The New York Times
Joe Russo, director of Avengers: Endgame and some other things you might have heard of or seen in the company of many other people, said, “Popular films were winning Oscars before the mid ’90s, then Weinstein started mudslinging campaigns.” - Variety
“I wanted the benefits of clowning, namely feeling comfortable and even coming to enjoy reading my work in public, without any of the scary bits (and clowns in America have quite a scary reputation).” - Los Angeles Times (Yahoo)
“For decades, cassette players have carried the soul-stirring poetry of Sufi saints and the mystical melodies of Kashmiri instruments like the sarangi and santoor, and it’s long been a local ritual for families to gather around the warm hum of a tape player.” - Seattle Times (AP)
“Othello sales are next-level, seeming to reflect the appeal of the combination of two well-known actors with a well-known title, and also a 'Taylor Swift effect,' meaning that consumers are getting used to paying top dollar for live entertainment.” - The New York Times
Five years after the lethal coronavirus arrived, “the recovery has been uneven, but there are signs that audiences are finally coming back. Here’s a snapshot of where things stand.” - The New York Times
“As Peña and Dring committed to having the actors wrestle, and doing so smoothly and within budget, they hired two fighting directors — one as an intimacy director and another as a sumo consultant — to ensure safety, accuracy and precision.” - The New York Times
“‘We’re sort of really trying to ride a fine line of when we talk about the play and how we talk about the play,’ said Karla Hartley, the producing artistic director. ... 'So we don’t sort of draw the ire of certain people in the state government.’” - The New York Times
The film, especially its opening, combines “many types of beauty fused into one: photographic, geographic, choreographic, high kitsch and high camp. I’d distrust anyone who professes themselves unmoved by it in any way.” - The Guardian (UK)
Even though it’s unlikely (as of this writing) that Estou Ainda Aqui, or I’m Still Here, will win best pic or Fernanda Torres Best Actress, Torres imitators line the streets at Carnival, “drink beer, clutch plastic Oscars and deliver the impromptu acceptance speeches.” - The New York Times