Lucky in Manhattan to have a Japanese market nearby, and because I’m enticed by anything in a post-Pop package, I fell for Nobel’s Super Cola, three ounces for $3, a dozen or so globes of hot surprise. I told myself that I sprung for my candyphile boyfriend, but they were really for me. When artists such as Lichtenstein or...
To get the drift of Aufzeichnungen über Aussenseiter, I’ve been typing pieces of text into Google Translate. It’s a helluva time-consuming job, but it’s more than worth the effort. It’s just obvious how classy and swinging the whole thing is! Herewith, an excerpt: "Buk Sings His Ass Off." - Jan Herman
Although last week’s Syracuse Symposium was nominally about Deaccessioning After 2020, it was mostly focused on the new museum imperative — advancing DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access) by any means possible, even at the cost of dismantling, monetizing and redefining the “permanent” collection to further those sociopolitical goals. - Lee Rosenbaum
The many threats and threads around reopening social spaces for live performance can easily blur together. Focused problem-solving and readiness require that we tease them apart. One way to do so might be the age-old approach to environmental scanning: the acronym STEEP. - Andrew Taylor
To rate collectors by the use they make of their collections rather than simply by completeness or the rarity and excellence of individual items makes great sense. - Jan Herman
Museum professionals have instinctively recoiled at the thought of government interference in their activities, insisting that they can police themselves. But that hasn’t worked out too well when it comes to preventing misguided museum officials from converting works that rightly should remain in the public’s patrimony into easy money. - Lee Rosenbaum
Is the “slippery slope” on the verge of becoming even more treacherous? In conversations with its members this week, the Association of Art Museum Directors discussed whether the organization should consider an indefinite extension of the two-year relaxation of its time-honored deaccession guidelines, which had prohibited the use of art proceeds for anything other than acquisitions. - Lee Rosenbaum
The Metropolitan Museum’s adoption of the Association of Art Museum Directors’ relaxed deaccession standards, driven by the financial challenges of the pandemic, has caught the attention of at least one official in the New York Attorney General’s Office. - Lee Rosenbaum
The Met's premature revelation that it might take advantage of the AAMD's relaxed deaccession standards, selling art to pay for "care of the collection," was an object lesson in how not to roll out a controversial, temporary policy change. A palate-cleansing corrective to that unappetizing situation can be found in Stories from Storage, a current show at the Cleveland...
A literary era passes. It was already past, yet it still has influence. My account is minimal in the scheme of things but here ‘tiz anyhow, excerpted from My Adventures in Fugitive Litrichur. - Jan Herman
Chicago presenters of jazz and new music, and journalists from Madrid to the Bay Area, vocalist Kurt Elling, trumpeter Orbert Davis and pianist Lafayette Gilchrist discussed how they’ve transcended coronavirus-restrictions on live performances in two Zoom panels I moderated last week. - Howard Mandel