I’ve used this space before to meditate on the long-term declines in literary reading, as observed by various federal surveys. Occasionally, such data points can provoke a response. Last month, for example, the publisher Hatchette Book Group announced a “Raising Readers” initiative “to help reverse trends showing steep declines in reading for fun among children.”
This call to action reminded me of...
The Digital Twin idea is the notion of looking at something -- an organization, an eco-system, a city -- and measuring and defining it in as many meaningful ways as possible and creating a digital representation in which elements can be changed or manipulated to see how the rest of the model reacts.
Daniel Rivera, College Track Mentorship Program Manager at the New World Symphony, discusses preparing young people for the collegiate experience in the arts.
Missing out on cultural turning points is a serious New York preoccupation. But to make msuch matters more interesting, I’m expanding my alt-best-of-the-year list to a global reach based on my own incessant curiously and willingness to follow it no matter what the venue, platform or technology. I’m often in small urban churches, having to show a QR code...
Some Adam Smith as an appetizer…
Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer. The maxim is so perfectly self-evident, that it would be absurd to attempt to prove it.
Now to the present....
At a memorial event in Jordan Hall in Boston on September 29, 2024, these were my remarks:
This concert hall,
this space,
the vibrating air in here,
José Luis Gomez, Music Director of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, shares strategies on connecting with community and how his heritage informs his ethos of artmaking.
“He also thought of plans for fetching his few utensils and books from Norcombe. The Young Man’s Best Companion, The Farrier’s Sure Guide, The Veterinary Surgeon, Paradise Lost, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Robinson Crusoe, Ash’s Dictionary, and Walkingame’s Arithmetic, constituted his library; and though a limited series, it was one from which he had acquired more sound information by diligent perusal than many a man of opportunities...
Take a journey of discovery through this retelling of A Christmas Carol where you star as a struggling Marketing Director finding their way in this cold world of 2024.