ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Awards Mean Little Beyond Publicity

Are awards the staff of life? Of course not. But they certainly seem like food for the hungry.

Nonprofit Arts Success in a Changing Environment, Tip 2: Don’t Even THINK About Dumbing It Down

The second tip: for a nonprofit organization to work, pandering is off-limits. Take it from a notorious panderer from a ...

Double Trouble: Bacon Sometimes Meets Picasso

This is what happens when you take a razor to a pair of images cutting them up in vertical strips. And this is what happens when the procedure is applied to a single image, then doubling the result upon itself. Jiří Kolář gave the name “rollage” to this kind of minimalist collage technique.

Art in Turbulent Times

Recently shared a lengthy piece by composer and musician Jonathan Blumhofer, on the arts in times of political unrest. Although you will see I disagree with its message, it is a thoughtful and considered piece. After a discussion of the complex, to say the least, relationship between conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler and the Nazis, he writes: Furtwängler and his Brahms performance...

Patricia Mooradian shares the journey of The Jackson House where Martin Luther King, Jr. stayed and planned historic marches

Patricia Mooradian, President & CEO of The Henry Ford, shares the extraordinary journey and impact of The Jackson House where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stayed and planned the Selma-to-Montgomery marches.

Nonprofit Arts Success in a Changing Environment, Tip 1: Stop Terrorizing Your People

The first tip: for a nonprofit organization to work, everyone has to care about why they’re there; otherwise, there’s no ...

Marin Alsop talks about the role of orchestras in an evolving society

Marin Alsop, Principal Guest Conductor of The Philadelphia Orchestra, talks about the role of orchestras in society and the importance of cultural exchange.

Educating Ourselves about Childhood Arts Experiences—and Why They Matter

A new report from the National Endowment for the Arts re-affirms what we have learned from many other previous studies—namely, that arts education is closely linked with positive academic outcomes and social and emotional development. The report appears in the wake of new data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), based on survey questions that researchers from the...

On art and the pursuit of power

The arts themselves, as I considered the matter, by their ultimately sensual essence, are, in the long run, inimical to those who pursue power for its own sake. Conversely, the artist who traffics in power does so, if not necessarily disastrously, at least at considerable risk. A Buyer’s Market (1952).

“Duck and Cover” — Is That Your Motto for the Next 46 Months?

Or will nonprofit arts organizations choose to fight back for their communities? ...

Bill Church shares a key initiative engaging BIPOC audiences in theatre

Bill Church, Director of Theatre at the Interlochen Center for the Arts, talks about the Theatre for Young Audiences BIPOC superhero project.

The Erosion of the American Arts

The new issue of the online New American Studies Journal is devoted to the challenged fate of the arts. I

“Trump”-l’Oeil & “Entrumpy”: Museums’ Re-envisioned Missions Under a Capricious Ruler

Call it entrumpy—a “gradual decline into disorder” (riffing on “entropy”), attributable to the unpredictability of our unprecedented President. Exploiting his

The Case for Support: Mixed Blood Theatre Produces Positive, Quantifiable Impact for the People of Minneapolis

There is a theater company sitting right in the heart of America that dedicates every activity, every program, and every ...

A few words from your friendly neighbourhood Canadian

This is a blog about arts management and policy. But as someone who has led many students through the basics of international trade, and as your resident Canadian, I’m going to use this space for a few words on the current state of relations across the 49th parallel. As bad as things are in the current tariff dispute, I...

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