ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Hollywood, Like Many Americans, Has Been Looking For Villains In All The Wrong Places

And casting villains, that is to say law enforcement and others deeply committed to white supremacy, as heroes. But the new documentary MLK/FBI isn't...

Artist Kim Tschang-Yuel, 91, Painter Of Water – And The Trauma Of War

"Kim’s drops can seem to sit miraculously atop his raw canvases or be in the midst of gliding down them, leaving a trail of...

A Black Dance Company In Los Angeles Gets Serious Funding

Black arts groups are "historically passed over for foundation funding of this magnitude," but the Lula Washington Dance Theatre won over its grantors. The...

The Inaugural Poet, 22 Years Old, Is Probably The Youngest In US History

Amanda Gorman will read a poem called "The Hill We Climb" at the inaugural ceremony on Wednesday (assuming it goes according to plan). "Unlike...

What A New Video Game Teaches Us About The Ancient Greeks And Masculinity

For one thing, "we need to reorient our understanding of gender and beauty to talk about hotness in antiquity." - Wired

The Biggest Mystery Of Bridgerton Is About That News Pamphlet

What's Lady Whistledown's business model? Seriously: To produce and print enough scandal sheets to feed the appetite of the ton, surely Lady Whistledown owns...

The Musical Fantasy World Created By Teens That Has Spawned Three Concept Albums For...

Yes, it's partly because of TikTok and the world of duets, collaborations, and free-flowing (but in this case, very directed) creativity. But it's so...

Hey America, Our To-Do Lists Will Never Get Shorter

Well, not in the foreseeable future, anyway, unless we can accept some "okayist" awards instead of trying to be number one all of the...

Coventry Rebuilt Itself After WWII, But Now Town Planners Want To Knock Those Buildings...

Coventry is the UK 2021 city of culture. But ... yikes. "Much of the city’s pioneering postwar urban fabric is under threat. A gargantuan...

Can TV Writers Help Curb The Pandemic?

TV writers have helped changed public opinion on drunk driving, cigarette smoking, and - in the opposite direction - marriage equality. Why not mask-wearing,...

Dancers Are Still Trying To Break Down Gender Stereotypes In Ballet

Ashton Edwards, an 18-year-old student at the Pacific Northwest Ballet's Professional Division, got tired of studying for and dancing "male roles." Last year, the...

Mary Catherine Bateson, Author Of ‘Composing A Life’ And Daughter Of Margaret Mead, 81

Bateson, an anthropologist like her famous parents Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson, had a busy and famously documented life. "Still, it wasn’t her babyhood, her...

The True Events That Inspired The Movie One Night In Miami

The film is based on a one-act play by Kemp Powers (a long one-act play), and the playwright calls it "a work of fiction...

An Author And Editor Says To Stop Thinking Books Have Meaning For Everyone

Megha Majumdar, author of A Burning: "I grew up middle class and I went to school, and from the school bus you’d see kids...

The Movie Soul Is About A Black Man, But In Some Countries, He’s Voiced...

Europe, excuse us, but what are you doing? "Asta Selloane Sekamane, one of the activists who criticized the casting ... said in an interview...

The Stagehands Union Says It’s Time To Let Them Run Mass Vaccine Sites In...

This seems almost too obvious when one considers it. The people who know how to set up almost any kind of venue, run crowd...

Sign Of The Times: Choir Rehearsals And Concerts Via Car

The founder and conductor of Canada's Luminous Voices, which now uses the cars' FM transmitters, a mixer, and wireless mics for rehearsal and, crucially,...

On Hearing The Music While You Read

Writers have to listen as well as read. "As I read The Waves, I started to 'hear' language as if for the first time....

Writer Jenny Offill On What Can Be Done During The Pandemic

If you have elderly parents and kids to care for, not much. "The pandemic has been through all these different stages and you’re constantly...

Kansas City Ballet Took A Long Time, But Finally Canceled The Rest Of The...

The ballet joins Kansas City's other major performing arts organizations, which will certainly have an economic impact on KC's central performing arts center. -...

Author Jacqueline Woodson Gets A Lot Done, But How?

The MacArthur Fellow, who has also won the National Book Award and lives with her partner and two children in Brooklyn, is building Baldwin...

With A New Book Called ‘I Hate Men,’ A French Author Has Truly Hit...

That's not the only work making a claim that France has an extremely long way to go in reckoning with gender inequality in every...

The Double Whammy Of Brexit And Covid On Britain’s Touring Musicians

This isn't great, since each musician needs rather a lot of paperwork - and it's possible, though unclear, that their instruments may need a...

Thieves Made Off With Most Of San Jose Dance Theater’s Handmade Costumes

The carefully designed and handmade costumes are priceless for the ballet company, but not useful for almost anyone else, says costume director Renee Forbes....

Freelancers, The Lifeblood Of British Theatre, Are In For Another Terribly Rough Year

The situation under the third lockdown is, if anything, worse than in March because the freelancers don't have anything to fall back on. "In...
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