ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Dancers Have To Learn New Tricks And Stretch New ‘Muscles’ During The Pandemic

That is, their business muscles. They became bakers, started resource centers, trained non-dancers, and gotten into fashion - among many, many other second, third,...

US Arts Venues Are Finally Getting Some Relief

Is it too little, too late? "Unlike other business sectors that have been hit hard by the coronavirus, performance centres are in a uniquely...

Percentage Of Women Directors Is Slowly Creeping Upward

The headlines say it's a record, but is 16 percent something to brag about? Hollywood thinks maybe. (It's certainly a better record than 2018's...

Australia’s National Anthem Gets An Anti-Racist Tweak

The anthem - which replaced "God Save the Queen" only in 1984, though it had been written in the late 19th century - previously...

TV Production Stays On Holiday Hiatus In Los Angeles As Covid Numbers Rise And...

Positive cases have been identified - in one case described as a cluster of infections - in several of the studios where production won't...

How Jewish Theatre Scrambled And Remade Itself For The Digital Year

As with every other kind of theatre, Jewish theaters and playwrights, actors and tech people, had a lot to figure out. The Jewish Playwriting...

Hollywood Had Rules, And In 2020, It Busted Them All

A lot happened to the moviemaking business in 2020, but not a lot of it by choice. "Since March, the industry has, in effect,...

Claude Bolling, Jazz And Classical Pianist, 90

Bolling's fusion of jazz and classical made him the most popular pianist, composer, and bandleader in Europe for a time. "A devotee since childhood...

The Busiest Composer In The Bleakest Year

Tyshawn Sorey has had numerous - as in, numerous - premieres and commissions this year. The composer, who straddles jazz and classical, "has been...
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