ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Which Actors Benefit From Oscar Nominations?

Well, what a surprise: "For white actors, Academy recognition quickly leads to starring roles, both in big-budget blockbusters and prestige dramas. For actors of...

What To Expect From The Oscars Red Carpet

According to Laverne Cox, it can't all be fashion - but then it can't all be politics, either. "There’s so, so much work that...

Would It Kill Spotify To Pay Musicians A Penny Per Stream?

And would a penny per stream be a little more fair? After all, "Spotify increasing royalties to a penny per stream would send a...

The Tricks To Playing Drunk

It's not the 1960s anymore (not by a long shot), so actors usually don't play drunk by getting drunk. Instead, consider Aubrey Plaza's technique...

Why Andrew Cuomo Can’t Let A Penn Station Development Go

Well, it's obvious, right? The New York governor "is currently resisting calls to resign over allegations of sexual harassment. So what better way to...

The Project That Is Mapping Anti-Racist Street Art

In 2020, after the death of George Floyd at the knee of police officer Derek Chauvin, "a team of researchers from the University of...

Many Theatres Have Survived The Pandemic So Far – But The Future Is An...

Ironically, bringing audiences back may be the issue. "While this year looks fairly stable, a greater threat may still lie ahead. The emergency infusions...

In The Age Of Instagram, You Probably Do Judge A Book By Its Cover

One of the big literary events of last week? The cover reveal for Sally Rooney's new novel. "In recent years, book cover design has...

What It’s Like To Edit A Legendary Beat Poet

Michael McClure's final editor, Garrett Caples: "As any editor can tell you, turning a manuscript into a book is an affair in itself. Michael’s...

Carol Prisant, Elegant Writer About Design For The World Of Interiors, 82

Prisant was a 51-year-old antiques dealer with no professional experience writing when she wrote to the autocratic editor of the British magazine The World...

Teens Use The Arts To Document Their Pandemic Times

If you want to know how young people are experiencing the pandemic, the assault on the Capitol Building in January, vaccinations, and more, what...

Daniel Kaluuya’s Rise To Movie Stardom Came From Talent, And Britain’s Public Funding For...

Kaluuya grew up on a council estate - the rough equivalent to "the projects" in the United States - the son of Ugandan immigrants...

Product Placement, AKA Advertising, Is Coming To Classic Films

This doesn't seem like a great idea, but then again, who asked the audience? "Items can be digitally added to almost any movie or...

Asian American Artists Say The Times Require They Must Also Now Be Activists

Artist Kenneth Tam started to keep a spreadsheet as microaggressions arose at the beginning of the pandemic. Then the micro became far too macro....

The Redesign Of The Hirshorn Sculpture Garden Has Hit A Wall

A rock wall, and a water feature as well, to be precise. "This is a debate in which everyone is a little right, and...

Scott Rudin’s Apology Is Not Enough

Not great: "Broadway producers I spoke to told me that Rudin seems to be sincere about stepping away from the day-to-day running of his...

One Week Until We Find Out If The Oscars Ratings Will Hit An All-Time...

Just as Chloé Zhao seems a near-lock for Best Director, the predictions are ... that no one watches this year's Oscars ceremony. "At a...

The Pandemic Is Changing City Centers, And Britain’s Fabled Department Store Buildings Are At...

Of course, online shopping has done the most damage to physical stores. But do they need to be demolished? "Gems facing the wrecking ball...

Budweiser Paints Lionel Messi Ads Over Iconic Murals In India

The outrage was so strong, including in statements by St+art India, that the beer company is backing down. Of course they can't fix what...

Please, Someone, Everyone, Save The ArcLight Hollywood’s Cinerama Dome

The flagship theatre was special for multiple reasons, but one is that Hollywood often doesn't seem very, well, Hollywood. "The ArcLight Hollywood, by contrast,...

What Do The Vaccines Mean For Ballet?

Let an infectious-disease doctor explain why dancers need to get vaccinated. It's not just for themselves: "A significant part of the patronage of many...

Joye Hummel, The First Woman To Write ‘Wonder Woman,’ 97

Hummel was 19 when she began working as an assistant for William Moulton Marston, the psychologist who had created the character and the comic...

Game Of Thrones Is Ten Years Old, And It Feels Utterly Irrelevant

Not just irrelevant, but worse. HBO is celebrating, of course, but "whatever about HBO, how do the rest of us feel about Game of...

Vartan Gregorian, Savior Of The New York Public Library, Has Died At 87

Gregorian, an immigrant from Armenia who became a scholar and leader of Brown University and the Carnegie Corporation, "was best known for resurrecting the...

What Artists Are Missing Most About Live Arts Experiences

One artist: "I miss the openings ! The free wine! And friends who you don’t get to see often, making rare appearances. Seeing art...
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