ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas

Sunil Iyengar

Sunil Iyengar

Quick Study: Monetizing Health Benefits from the Arts

In this episode, we discuss findings from a UK study about the economic consequences of using arts-based strategies to improve health and well-being. A...

The Men-Women Split in Reading is Real—and Persists Amid Historical Rate Declines

I’ve used this space before to meditate on the long-term declines in literary reading, as observed by various federal surveys. Occasionally, such data points...

Quick Study: High-Def Data Needs for the Digital Arts

In this episode, we discuss digital creators and how data can help illuminate a field marked by hybridity and rapidly evolving practice. A transcript...

Sending Off 2024—A Bumper Year for Cross-Agency Collaborations through the Arts

The January 2024 “Healing, Bridging, Thriving” summit at the NEA celebrated an ethos of cross-sectoral partnerships involving the arts in federal government. Memorable outcomes were an...
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