Michael Rushton
Art in Turbulent Times
Recently artsjournal.com shared a lengthy piece by composer and musician Jonathan Blumhofer, on the arts in times of political unrest. Although you will see...
On art and the pursuit of power
The arts themselves, as I considered the matter, by their ultimately sensual essence, are, in the long run, inimical to those who pursue power...
A few words from your friendly neighbourhood Canadian
This is a blog about arts management and policy. But as someone who has led many students through the basics of international trade, and...
What is public funding of the arts for?
Some Adam Smith as an appetizer…
Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be...
On owning many books
“He also thought of plans for fetching his few utensils and books from Norcombe. The Young Man’s Best Companion, The Farrier’s Sure Guide, The Veterinary Surgeon, Paradise...