ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Journalists Are Coming To Terms With Their Relationships With Tech Companies. How About Academics?

Just as journalistic embargoes aren’t universally bad or unprofessional, academic embargoes might not be either. But conversations about the ethics of “access scholarship” are...

We Live In A Dystopian Time. Is That Why Dystopian Novels Have Gone Away?

"We inhabit a dystopian reality, which may account for the dearth of dystopian fiction. Yet the novels of Zamyatin, Huxley and Orwell continue to...

Scientists Are Trying To Determine The Basis Of Beauty

There is no shortage of theories about what makes an object aesthetically pleasing. Ideas about proportion, harmony, symmetry, order, complexity and balance have all...

A Leading Classics Scholar Condemns Classics As A Field

Dan-el Padilla Peralta's "vision of classics’ complicity in systemic injustice is uncompromising, even by the standards of some of his allies. He has condemned...

Why Write Books That No One Will Read?

"Books are now published in numbers so vast that the writing of one can no longer be presumed to be an act of communication...

An Analysis Of How Colorado Arts Organizations Have Survived During COVID

“I’d say that size, discipline, history of percentage split of earned/contributed revenue, and dependency on partnerships and fee-for-service have all played a role in...

How Theatre Works As A Political Force

"In my research, it became clear how the techniques used in theatre are used in politics, which further cemented my opinion that theatre artists...

Twitter Doesn’t Work – As A Network Or A Business. But It Could Be...

Trafficking in misinformation is wrong. Trafficking in misinformation with a structurally unsound business model is wrong and futile. But there’s an upside here: Twitter’s...

Is Art Created By AI Copywritable?

For an artwork to be copyrightable, it must possess some “minimal degree of creativity” and be original to the “author.” This leads us to...

Dynamic Groundbreaking TV Exec Jamie Tarses, 56

By age 32, Tarses was the first woman to head a network entertainment division — and one of the youngest execs ever to lead...

Why Telling The Truth Inside Organizations Is Difficult

"Think of something... mundane: ‘How are you?’ Virtually no one expects to hear anything but: ‘Good, thanks. And you?’ Withholding information has become the...

Permanently Lock Down The Capitol? What Good Is A Symbol If It’s Behind Razor...

"What happened on Jan. 6 had nothing to do with fences or barriers or bad security infrastructure at the Capitol. It was a human...

What Some 1930s Scientists Knew: Public Engagement Is Essential

In other words, modern science became possible only once scholars began to talk with craftspeople. Science began with public engagement. - Aeon

Tough Questions For Cultural Industries Post-COVID

Applied to the cultural and creative industries, this involves asking tough questions on the current working conditions, financial stability and social recognition of artists,...

UK Parliament Told Festivals Could Be Safe This Summer

"The idea that the festivals can't go ahead and be socially-distanced is inaccurate," one festival director told the House of Commons Culture Select Committee,...

Figuring Out The Writers That Figure Out The Future

"The most important promise underlying much of the canon inaugurated by Future Shock is that with the right foresight, readers can not only prepare...

DC’s Duke Ellington High School For The Arts Is Unique. So Why Is It...

It has been educating future artists and entertainers for 47 years. It also ranks in the top 7 percent of U.S. schools in challenging its...

Why Big Superstar Cities May Be In Trouble

Derek Thompson: "Last year, I wrote about how even a modest remote-work revolution—no more than 10 percent of Americans working remotely full time after...

Apple Versus Facebook In How The Internet Should Work

“What are the consequences of seeing thousands of users join extremist groups, and then perpetuating an algorithm that recommends even more?” - Wired

Swedish Film Festival Takes Social Distancing To Extreme — Plays To One Viewer

"Over the course of the coming week, it will hold screenings in two urban venues for just one festival attendee. And it has also...

How US Presidents Engage With Washington Culture

There are early signs that new president Biden and his vice-president, Kamala Harris, "could provide a much-needed boost for cultural scene hit hard by...

10 Musicians Under 40 Who Are Changing Classical Music

They have YouTube channels, they expand repertoire, they perform in unconventional places. These are musicians who are building the future of classical music. -...

How The Arts Reinvented During The Trump Years

"The arts in the past four years have evolved in ways that are as broad and powerful as they are now commonplace. Many artists...

The Pandemic Has Killed Whole Classes Of Friendships

Understandably, much of the energy directed toward the problems of pandemic social life has been spent on keeping people tied to their families and...

The Amazing Japanese Rice Field Murals

There’s a village meeting each year to decide the theme. Village officials make a simple computer mockup and then ask art teachers to make...
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