ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

Is Network TV Done For?

According to Nielsen, through Feb. 28, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and the CW, on average, showed a loss of 23 per cent from the...

Does The Identity Of A Translator Matter?

Lawrence Venuti’s watershed book, The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), argued that the practice of ignoring the identity of the translator, to the point of being...

Ken Burns Does Hemingway

Let’s talk about the Burns Method: the frowning pan across the blotchy manuscript page, the dreamy plunge into the old photograph, the smatters of...

A Hollywood Plan To Make More Movies About Older People

A study released in 2017 by the Media, Diversity and Social Change Initiative at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism looked at...

How The Values Of Theatre Move Forward

"The American theatre is a very slow-moving ship, especially when I think about how quickly culture moves, and particularly now that we are in...

46-Year-Old LA Stage Alliance Disbands After Awards Mistake

Last week, more than 25 Los Angeles area theater companies, including the Geffen Playhouse, the Pasadena Playhouse and the Deaf West Theatre, revoked their...

Zaha Hadid’s Influence Has Only Grown Since She Died

Her presence continues to be felt across the contemporary design and architecture worlds. With around 1.2 million Instagram followers, Zaha Hadid Architects is now...

For Some Artists, Quarantine Has Been A Gift

The open secret among anyone who enjoys the pleasure of their own company, however, is that the public health strategy of sheltering-in-place to combat...

Why Withdrawing Dr. Seuss Books Is Just A Distraction

"Given these serious—and growing—problems, it’s not whataboutism to wonder why these old books get so much attention. Is it because attacking old books is...

How Our Concept Of Work Has (Is) Evolved

"Work, and the way it fits into one’s life, can be and often has been, less rigid and routinized than is common today. In...

We Invented NFTs To Help Artists. It Hasn’t Worked Out That Way

"The idea behind NFTs was, and is, profound. Technology should be enabling artists to exercise control over their work, to more easily sell it,...

Theatres Leave LA Theatre Alliance After Awards Show Mis-identifies Asian Award-Winner

"More than 25 Los Angeles area theater companies, including the Geffen Playhouse, the Pasadena Playhouse and the Deaf West Theatre, have revoked their memberships...

AI Pioneer: People Are Mistaking What Ai Is

“People are getting confused about the meaning of AI in discussions of technology trends—that there is some kind of intelligent thought in computers that...

Music Of The Millennia: Sound And Music In Evolution

Pitch is an abstraction: any given note doesn’t have a real-world referent. The existence of flutes that produce a family of fixed notes, however,...

Authenticity As An Ideal? Really?

Is authenticity fading away as a personal ethic or is it something everyone wants to be? In fact, both are true – because the...

Canadian Theatres Use Lockdown To Upgrade

Venue operators are using their enforced downtime to scrub, buff and do major reconfigurations. In some cases, the work was commissioned and started before...

Reckoning: The Treatment Of Women In Ballet

Ballet is often seen as the glorification of women -but, wherever it stands now, it condoned and encouraged the sexual trafficking of women for...

A Find In The Middle Of The Kalahari Desert Shows A Remarkably Innovative Culture...

The conclusion from these finds is that people in the African interior weren’t lagging behind coastal cultures at all. Some of the most important...

140 Filmmakers Blast PBS For Over-dependence On Ken Burns And Lack Of Diversity

"The decades-long interdependence of PBS decision-makers, philanthropists, and corporate funders with one white, male filmmaker highlights the racial and cultural inequities perpetuated by this...

A Wilting Critique Of Meritocracy

The story of the concept of ‘meritocracy’ has been well rehearsed in recent times, largely because of the way in which inequality and precarity...

UK Theatre Returns To Stages, Having Learned Some Things During Lockdown

Shakespeare’s Globe has announced a mid-May reopening, albeit with a capacity of up to only 500 in a popular auditorium that can hold as...

Experimental Film Captures Dance In The Wild

“We were demonstrating that we were still there, that we were still dancing, that we still wanted to dance, that we were still those...

What Music Festivals Could Look Like This Summer

Certainly with international travel likely to be restricted in some form for a while, the chances are that international and local demand for festivals...

What Good Is Criticism After Something Bad Happens?

Every day I’m thankful for the work I get to do. I am paid to watch, to think, to write. But this week, like...

Big Claims For The Kind Of Art AI Will Make

Miller argues that AI-fueled art gains independence from its algorithmic parents and takes flight in works that bear the hallmarks of creativity and genius...
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