ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

The Contentious History Of Grammar Books

In that era, a Grammar was second only to a Bible as a necessary object in a God-fearing household. While the Bible provided moral...

Microsoft: Back-To-Back Video Meetings Are “Unsustainable”

“Our research shows breaks are important, not just to make us less exhausted by the end of the day, but to actually improve our...

Jerry And Kenny’s Excellent NFT Adventure

Jerry Saltz and Kenny Schachter team up to "test" the NFT market. "To be clear, NFTism doesn’t necessarily disrupt anything but rather presents a...

How Do We Structurally Change Theatre Criticism?

“The answer is not more diverse critics because what the fuck does that mean? More diverse critics and then they go where? More diverse...

How To Fight Online Disinformation

"The trend of people celebrating and posting photos of themselves or loved ones receiving the vaccine has been far more effective than any attempt...

Historian Pinpoints The Worst Year In Human History

The year was terrible due to cataclysmic eruptions that blocked out the sun and the spread of the plague. It ushered in the coldest...

AI Music App Creates Music For You On The Fly, Depending On Your Mood

Endel uses a bunch of data, including your location, weather, time of day and even biometrics to create an individual soundtrack on the fly....

Daily Mail Newspaper Sues Google For “Manipulating Search Results”

It alleges Google "punishes" publishers in its rankings if they don't sell enough advertising space in its marketplace. Google called the claims "meritless". Associated...

How Public Ideas Evolved In The Cold War Era

What most comes across is the protean creativity of the period, the globe-spanning connections that promoted it, and Menand’s mastery of large slices of...

How To Be A Silicon Valley Intellectual

On your path to becoming an intellectual in Silicon Valley, understanding these two lessons—the Peter Principles, we’ll call them, since that adds nothing to...

Consider The Environmental Cost Of Making Music

Musicians addressing the environment head-on only represents one side of the music industry’s engagement with the climate crisis. The way we listen to music...

Brexit Is Killing UK Musicians’ Gigs

The stress and cost of work visa requirements, new taxes, and prohibitively high touring costs have upended the careers of scores of British musicians,...

Netflix Is Spending $17 Billion On New Content

That’s a notable uptick from the streamer’s 2020 spend of $11.8 billion, as the pandemic prompted production delays across the industry, and a 2019...

Infrastructure For Creative Workers?

That view is to see the rise of Substack and podcasting and Bandcamp for musicians who want to escape the tyranny of the record labels and...

To Understand The Human Brain, We’re Going To Have To Get Inside It. Cue...

As the risks reduce and the research possibilities open up, then it is easy to imagine how we could slip, unnoticing, from thinking the...

Kristy Edmunds On The Moral Imperative/Opportunity Of Continuing

"How do you support artist relief, raise money, how do you help people still feel like they haven’t disappeared? It has been a huge...

Why Is Howard University Closing Its Classics Department?

Amid a move for educational “prioritization,” Howard University is dissolving its classics department. Tenured faculty will be dispersed to other departments, where their courses...

Class Struggle, Artists, And Changing The World

Struggle without class analysis results in the many empty institutional statements and surface-level concessions we’ve seen across the United States this past year. Class...

Reconnecting: Linking The New Moral Purpose

"For all sorts of understandable reasons, we have become very wary of public and social norms. We are conscious of the legacy of appealing...

NFTs — Not Just For Art Anymore

"What we are primarily focusing on at Time is how NFTs relate to subscriptions, memberships, and access to unique experiences, which would allow us...

Lesson: Streaming Theatre Works When It’s Designed For It

The problem that companies like ACT had been having, said Randy Taradash, was that they weren’t just having to juggle new technology, but also...

As The Pandemic Eases, Netflix Forecasts Much Lower Growth

This year Netflix is forecasting 6 million new subscribers, the lowest first-quarter increase since 2017, well down on the almost 16 million sign-ups in...

Study: The Psychological Benefits Of Attending Live Theatre

We found that attending these plays increased empathy for people depicted in them and changed people’s political attitudes about a variety of issues related...

Dudamel Isn’t Known For Conducting Opera. Will That Be A Problem As Music Director...

Almost all his renown has come from his exhilarating performances with symphony orchestras. Does lacking operatic experience matter in landing an important opera post?...

Make Room For Theatre Visionaries

Lacking in visionary leaders? Absolutely not. They're just blocked from the table by their status as a young person, or as a queer person,...
function my_excerpt_length($length){ return 200; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');