ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas


Doug is the editor of ArtsJournal

What Happens To Literary Culture When Book Reviews Go Away

"The ubiquity of social media is often offered up as a solution to the paucity of mainstream book criticism. While it is no longer...

Colleges Aren’t Turning Out The Kinds Of Students America Needs

"The U.S. education system is not held accountable for ensuring that students are properly equipped with the skills and capabilities to prepare for a...

Study: Correcting Misinformation On Twitter Results In Worse Misinformation

The researchers targeted 2,000 Twitter users from a range of political persuasions who had tweeted 11 overtly false news articles. After an extremely polite...

When Artists Marry Other Artists

Artists partnered with other artists — coupled, married or otherwise entangled — is as old as art itself. Did two artists, in their attraction...

The Musical That Changed Broadway 100 Years Ago

Not only did Shuffle Along bring jazz to Broadway, it was the first African American show to be a smash hit. Its composer Eubie...

Media Companies Are Consolidating Again. Sound Familiar?

For decades before the internet, TV was dominated by the Big Three: CBS, ABC, and NBC. Movies were probably brought to you by Paramount,...

Colleges Give Record Average 59 Percent Discount On Tuition This Year

The average discount rate for first-time undergraduates reached 53.9 percent -- an all-time high -- during the 2020-21 academic year, according to NACUBO’s preliminary...

COVID Protocols In Place, Canada’s Movie, TV Production Is Busier Than Ever

Canada's film industry has managed to continue through the pandemic, in many cases as busy — or more — than before global industry shutdowns. In...

How The Crowd Amplifies And Defines Art

Until last year, the crowd was the trademark of the city. All through the day and night, people shoaled together, hurrying through streets, dawdling...

How James Bond Complicates Amazon’s $9 Billion Bid To Buy MGM

Other companies have kicked the tires on MGM at various points during a stop-and-start sales process that has been dragging on for months. Industry...

Why Conservatives Are Afraid Of The 1619 Project

For the past five years, conservatives have been howling about the alleged censoriousness of the American left, in particular on college campuses. But the...

Climate Change Is Erasing The World’s Oldest Art

Flowing water deposits minerals in the void spaces beneath the mineralized outer crust, and some of those minerals crystallize into mineral salts. As those...

Are Christie’s Warhol NFTs Fake?

Christie’s is collaborating with the Andy Warhol Foundation to stage an NFT sale comprising little-known digital art works from the Pop master’s archive. After the...

What’s The Thinking Between The UK’s Proposed Cuts In Arts Education?

The government’s recent proposal to cut funding for arts higher education by 50%, covering music, dance, drama and performing arts, art and design, media...

AI Will Win, Of Course. The Question Is How Humans Will Adapt

"There is going to be massive disruption. The technology is developing very rapidly, possibly exponentially. But people are linear. When linear people are faced...

A Theory Of Our Identities As Our Networked Selves

Some philosophers have pushed against such reductive approaches and argued for a framework that recognises the complexity and multidimensionality of persons. The network self...

San Francisco’s Guaranteed Income For Artists Program Gets A Financial Boost From Twitter Founder...

StartSmall’s gift will extend the pilot, administered by Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in partnership with Mayor London Breed, in two ways. The...

Indie Producers Form First New Hollywood Union In Decades

More than 100 indie feature filmmakers have unanimously ratified its constitution, and more than 300 have signed letters of intent to join. - Deadline

How A Book Gets Adapted For A Movie

It's not always obvious or a direct line. Start with a good story. Characters that lift off the page. And then it gets complicated....

Want To Sponsor Artwork In The Notre Dame Restoration?

The organization Friends of Notre Dame de Paris is letting the public donate directly to sponsor some of the cathedral’s individual artifacts. To date, 10 artworks have been...

A Film That Takes Us Inside The Met Museum In A Difficult Year

"The film puts us on remarkably intimate terms with the gargantuan organism that is the Met and the many tasks that keep it running....

Dysfunctional DC Arts Commission To Get A New Leader

If approved by the D.C. Council, Reginald Van Lee will lead an 18-member board that critics describe as dysfunctional, toxic and beset by cronyism...

Do Away With Classics Because They’re Imperialist?

"As the field’s most famous practitioner, and a dedicated anti-racist and feminist, Mary Beard takes a middle position: she believes neither that classics deserves...

The Pitfalls Of Public Philosophers

"We urbanites, who dwell in the medium of public political discussion, also live in the element of opinion. Leo Strauss loved to intimate that...

Why Are Telecom Companies So Bad At Media?

"Joseph Epstein once wrote that “Of the seven deadly sins, only envy is no fun at all.” He must have been talking about the...
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