ArtsJournal: Arts, Culture, Ideas



Why Joffrey Ballet Is Only Now Making Work To Stream

Staging a full-length performance digitally "would break the bank," says artistic director Ashley Wheater, who doesn't really like streamed dance much. "I'm embracing it...

Will Upright Citizens Brigade Ever Reopen? ‘I Don’t Know’, Says Amy Poehler

In a feature interview for The New York Times Magazine, the co-founder of the famed, and now troubled, improv company and school said, "It’s...

Douglas Turner Ward, Pioneering Black Theater Artist, Dead At 90

A writer and director as well as an actor, he wrote a 1966 New York Times Op-Ed titled "American Theater: For Whites Only?" that...

France Is Trying To Raise Millions To Buy De Sade’s Filthiest Manuscript

"The French government is appealing for corporate help to acquire the manuscript of the Marquis de Sade's notorious The 120 Days of Sodom, valued...

It’s A 17,300-Year-Old Kangaroo: Australia’s Oldest Rock Art Identified

"A nearly-life-size depiction of a kangaroo — realistic genitalia included — is the oldest known rock painting in Australia. Scientists recently pinpointed its age...

Facebook Ends Australia News Ban After Deal With Government

The the government may not apply the code to Facebook if the company can demonstrate it has signed enough deals with media outlets...


Someone’s calling, maybe me. C. C sharp? D? My scalp tightens, which makes me wonder where I am, and who, too. But this voice...

Jeff Alexander Shares the Importance of Live Orchestral Music

The President of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra speaks about the importance of live, in-person concerts and the day-to-day leadership of a major symphony orchestra....

Pigs Have Learned To Play Video Games

In a research lab at Penn State, "four pigs — Hamlet, Omelette, Ebony and Ivory — were trained to use an arcade-style joystick ...

When Thornton Wilder Came Up With An Act Four Of ‘Our Town’

"Following his enlistment in the military in World War II, only ten days before he would age out of eligibility for active service, Wilder...

Why Do We Have Such Trouble Getting Monuments Of Women Right?

Consider, for instance, the new, widely derided "For Mary Wollstonecraft" monument in London. "Why couldn't a statue of Wollstonecraft, the individual woman, be seen...

How To Spot A Forged Dead Sea Scroll Fragment

"In 2009, the Green family, owners of the Hobby Lobby chain of arts-and- crafts stores, began acquiring a series of weathered fragments advertised as...

Thousands Are Angry About New Bronze Doors For 800-Year-Old Cathedral

"Plans to mark the 800th anniversary of Burgos's magnificent Gothic cathedral with three enormous new bronze doors have ushered in an unholy row, with...

Could This Series Be The ‘Schoolhouse Rock’ For The 14th Amendment?

"The new Netflix series Amend: The Fight for America, produced by Will Smith and Larry Wilmore, seeks to not through song, but extended,...

What’s At Stake For Chicago With The Sale Of Second City (To A New...

Chris Jones: "The issue now is the future of an institution that is not just a major tourist draw to Chicago but one of...

Dolly Parton To Tennessee: Please Don’t Put A Statue Of Me In The State...

"I am honored and humbled by their intention but I have asked the leaders of the state legislature to remove the bill from any...

City Of London Abandons Plan For New Concert Hall

"An ambitious £288m concert hall that was supposed to be 'the Tate Modern of classical music' has been scrapped by the City of London...

New Concert Hall For London Was A Doomed Project

Martin Kettle: "Justifying the cost, the priority, the location and the uses to which the hall would be put were all delicate tasks in...

Arts Groups Get Snagged In Facebook’s Australia News Ban

As the Australian government pushed the social media giant, along with Google, to pay news outlets there for use of their material for links,...

ABT Alum Takes Reins At Uruguay’s National Ballet

In 2012, a different ABT alum, Julio Bocca, was named director of the Ballet Nacional del Sodre in Montevideo with the remit to raise...

12th-Century Moorish Bathhouse Uncovered In Seville Beer Hall

There had always been rumors, and a few hints in surviving records, that there had been a hammam where the Cervercería Giralda now stands,...

(Un)Daunted: Crystal Pite On Choreographing For The Paris Opera Ballet

"You feel the weight of the famous Palais Garnier opera house itself, and the history and legacy of the legendary dancers who have performed...

The Woman Who Saved Samba, Back When It Was Outlawed

"A century ago, samba becoming synonymous with Brazil's cultural identity would have seemed impossible. In the early 20th century, Rio's ruling elite were ashamed...

U.S. Newspapers Are Starting To Accept The ‘Right To Be Forgotten’

Back in 2014, when the EU passed a law allowing people to petition Google to de-index old news stories about them (e.g., criminal convictions...

Why It’s Time To Reopen Movie Theaters

"Despite being indoors (a red flag), the sort of behavior engaged in at the movies is, relatively speaking, benign. Patrons who can and should...
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